
Thursday, April 20, 2023


HYBE announces their plan to launch 'WEVERSE DM'


 Fans can also receive photos, videos, and emojis from their favorite artists and users can purchase this service through 'Jelly', an official digital currency of Weverse, according to HYBE.

WEVERSE DM is a chat service where fans can exchange private direct messages with their favorite artists.

Fans also can receive the artist's photos, videos, and emojis. This feature can be purchased using Weverse's official digital currency, Jelly.


-Please don't...

-I hate paid communications like this. They should be managing the comment sections in the live broadcasts instead of this.

-I'm already satisfied with Weverse. The biggest advantage they have is that their service is free, thoughㅋㅋㅋ Why bother changing it? It's pissing me off how they can't handle malicious comments from domestic users, but can prevent foreign users from spamming. With all the recent app and notification errors, I wonder if they can even handle this feature...

-Please don'tㅠㅠ I like Weverse because they don't have this feature, unlike the other similar apps, though...

-They're crazy for money...

-I love this idea. I hope this feature is also available for my favorite group...

-I wonder how much it's going to cost...

-I totally oppose this idea. I hope this feature will not be available for my idols...

-Why are they creating this feature when the fanclub's membership is already expensive? It's annoying...
