
Thursday, April 20, 2023


Zhang Hao is the center of 'Jelly Pop'!!!


I am a part-time worker that helps set the stage for Boys Planet's final.
I'm receiving questions

-Jelly Pop's center is Hao and Hot Summer's center is Hanbin

The part-time worker who helps to set the stage for Boys Planet's final gave out spoilers that Jelly Pop's center is Zhang Hao and Hot Summer's center is Sung Hanbin

-They still haven't rehearsed for the ballad song yetㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

They don't know who's the center for the ballad stage because they still haven't rehearsed it yet

Q: How much do they pay you?
A: 90,000 KRW for setting up the stage and 110,000 KRW for cleaning up

There is a lightstick in every seat, we manually hang them in each seat...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The part-time worker said they worked so f*cking hard to hang lightsticks manually in each seat

They posted these pictures as proof since people kept saying that they were lying
There's almost no standing area. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors are all seated areas.


1. [+129][-14] The centers are crazy. It gives me goosebumps how they secured their places as the centers from the beginning to the end.

2. [+79][-4] That's a f*cking relief...

3. [+66][-7] I'm relieved...

4. [+54][-0] The center places are rigged? Seok Matthew's fans, even if it were rigged, no one can beat Seok Matthew when it comes to riggings...

5. [+44][-0] Whether it's Seok Matthew or Zhang Hao, that still doesn't change the fact that they changed the time arbitrarily without any reasonable standardsㅋㅋㅋ The comments are funny