Thursday, November 3, 2022


(SPOILER) What happens when the person you went on a date with turns out to be an X-rated performer

Kang Taeyang's truth is that he's an X-rated performer for women

Taeyang wants to break the prejudice that people have against X-rated performer

"I personally think the performance has an artistic aspect to it. As a modern dance major, I was really burdened when I was first offered the job. I know it's hard for someone to accept me as an X-rated performer.

I will give my everything to the person who accepts me as who I am.


For your information, he told the people he lives with that he works as a Pilates teacher

Her expression says it all...

+ They liked each other when they went on a date, the atmosphere was also very great!


-I'd absolutely hate it...

-Isn't that Mr. Show? Colleen Park was the producer of that show... I personally think it's just a musical show with a little bit of skin exposure. It seems like he's a dancer because he majored in modern dance. I think he's the only one who can judge if it's artistic or not

-Is he a stripper?

-I think I could date him, but realistically speaking I wouldn't introduce him to my friends

-I think I could understand him. It's not like he's going to be an X-rated performer for the rest of his life. 

-I'd freaking love it...

-I think I could understand him. Oppa, can you just date me instead?ㅠㅠ

-I'd hate it. First of all, I wouldn't like having my man being touched with other women. Besides, how am I supposed to introduce him to my friends and parents?

-Why does it matter... It's not like he's going to date me anyway...ㅠㅠ

-Depends...? Not gonna lie, I don't think I'd want to marry someone with that job, though

-He's shirtless and he's letting women touching his body... I don't even want to be friends with that kind of person...

-I think I could tolerate him if he only performs. But it seems like he lets the audience touch his body... I wouldn't like that...

-I had no idea such performers exist...

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