Thursday, November 3, 2022

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Have you seen the casts of The Moon That Rises in The Day?? It's legendary

 Kang Dongwon as Doha, Moon Chaewon as Rita (Younghwa), Yeo Jin-goo as Joon-oh...?

This collaboration worksㅋㅋㅋ

I'm just saying this drama will be one of a kind if they were the casts
Hello, production team... Are you reading this...?ㅜㅜ
I really want to see Kang Dongwon do that iconic line


1. [+165][-0] If only Kang Dongwon was 20 years younger... Or at least 10 yearsㅠㅠ And also Joon-Oh kinda has cold vibes in him, while Yeo Jin-goo has the type of 'honest guy from the countryside' looks. I'm not hating, I'm just saying that he looks reliable. 

2. [+115][-0] I don't think so... They all have aged now. Those gifs were made out of videos from 10 years ago...ㅠㅠ

3. [+92][-2] Their actual ages don't suit the role... Doha is barely in his late 20s and Rita is in her 10s.

4. [+78][-18] Whoa... I think Moon Chaewon suits that role so freaking well

5. [+28][-0] Kang Dongwon was living one of his most glorious days when he filmed Kundo ... I think it would've been legendary if he filmed this drama with that looks of hisㅠㅠ But I think he was already in his late 30s when he filmed Kundoㅋㅋㅋ

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