
Monday, May 13, 2024

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HYBE: "We have evidence that the email was not written by the parents, but by ADOR's Vice President and CEO"

 In their official statement, HYBE has stated that they have evidence, including the fact that the email that was written by the parents was actually written by Vice President L and CEO Min. HYBE also mentioned that they plan to submit this evidence to the authorities. 

However, according to Ilgan Sports, the media who first reported the email content, it was explained that the email was a compilation of suggestions from parents, with CEO Min Heejin as the sender. It was also stated that the parents were included in the CC, for transparent communication. 

They clearly stated in the email that ADOR compiled the parents' suggestions and sent them under the name of Min Heejin. So, what evidence are they talking about?

April 3: 

Min Heejin sent an email to HYBE and BELIFT Lab

April 16: 

ADOR filed an internal complaint stating, "Stop interfering with New Jeans and practice ethical management."
HYBE responded to the email Min Heejin sent on the 3rd. 

April 22:
HYBE sent a response to the second email from ADOR. 
HYBE audited ADOR. 

Here is the full text of the email sent by min Heejin on April 3:

Dear CEO Park Jiwon of HYBE Corporation and CEO OOO of BELIFT Lab Corporation, 

We have received a letter from the legal representatives of the artists' parents with the following contents. Under Article 1, Article 2, Article 5, and Article 11 of the exclusive contract signed between our company and the artist, our company has an obligation and responsibility to take action on these demands. 

Please provide a comprehensive response to the raised issues.

Furthermore, in order for transparent communication in written form, we have included the parents as CC recipients of this email, so please provide your opinions accordingly. 

CEO Min Heejin of ADOR.

-They're always like thisㅋㅋㅋ They never get their words straight.

-I feel like HYBE really see the public as idiots.

-HYBE is truly trash.

-Everything is written in the email, what's not to understand, can't you speak Korean?

-The public isn't stupid, how long are they going to keep this up?

-Who do they think they're fooling?

-They keep pushing the same narrative.

-Isn't it obvious that ADOR would write based on what the parents said...?

-Hey, then do you think the parents would directly email HYBE even though New Jeans is under ADOR?

-The parents aren't idiots, and Min Hee-jin wouldn't have acted alone; they must have discussed it. 

-It seems like they really look down on the publicㅋㅋㅋ

-HYBE, if you only use your money to publish articles like this, you'll go bankrupt soon.

-No wonder their net profit looks like that.

-Seriously, how would New Jeans' parents directly communicate with HYBE? Obviously, it should go through ADOR.

-Seriously, HYBE seems intellectually deficient.

-HYBE is constantly throwing shit at New Jeans right before their Japanese debut.

-Are they panicking because their stock price is dropping?

-Boo 👎