
Monday, May 13, 2024

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New Jeans' parents: "Bang Sihyuk wouldn't even receive New Jeans' greetings..."


Does BELIFT Lab / HYBE not have any intention to protect New Jeans?

It's really strange because there were many times when they were not recognized. It's puzzling how Bang Sihyuk would always ignore New Jeans' members and refuse to greet them when the girls encounter him at the company. 

At first, the explanation we received from the girls was, "Maybe he didn't recognize us." We had to confirm this several times. However, since this happened multiple time, with different members on different days and places, it became obvious that Bang Sihyuk actually knew the girls are New Jeans' members.

Even if Bang Sihyuk didn't know the girls are New Jeans' members, isn't it a basic manner to respond if someone greets you? Is it really difficult to respond to reply to their greetings? Hearing about how the girls were ignored, felt like they were being avoided, or sensed that they were being ignored, not just once or twice, but repeatedly, as parents, we were astonished and at a loss for words. The girls are only middle and high school students. 

Not only this. After hearing about the promise of being HYBE's first girl group, New Jeans' members signed contracts with Source Music Ent., but their debut was delayed and they had to wait without any explanation from Source Music Ent. Then, news of them signing contracts with OOO and OOO emerged. In the end, they broke their promises they had made in the contract by debuting another group as their first girl group.

The endless waiting and neglect New Jeans' members had to endure during their trainee days at Source Music, caused by HYBE breaking their promise, is an unforgettable nightmare for the girls. Some of them even considered giving up their debut because of it.


-The thought of Bang Sihyuk acting like he's leading Kpop makes me even more furious...

-But really, can there be another group like New Jeans?? They're not just any popular group; they're the most successful and prominent group of the 4th Gen. If they were in another company, they would've received all kinds of royal treatment and been treated like princesses. So what is this if it's not mistreatment??

-I wish Bang Sihyuk would just disappear from K-pop forever.

-Insane... Ah, it's just so pathetic and depressing...............ㅜ

-Why is someone that old acting like this? Ugh.

-He's treating the girls like dirt... I feel so sorry for New Jeans.

-Ugh, Bang Sihyuk is even more pathetic than I thoughtㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He can't quit being childish even in with that position.

-It seems like the reason Bang Sihyuk is acting up like this is because New Jeans is doing better than the girl group he produced.

-Why is an adult... Behaving like this...? I'm so embarrassed...

-It's beyond imagination...; I don't want to see him again.

-Wow... Is he not a parent? So pathetic... It's not like the girls are some strangers anyway. Aren't they part of the same company;;;;

-The epitome of patheticness.

-Wow, it's so childish and pathetic that it's almost ridiculous.

-How can a person who runs such a big company have zero social skills like that...? No matter how much he hates New Jeans, isn't pretending to be nice a basic manner??  I thought it was childish very childish of him to avoid Min Heejin and try to get rid of her because he's not in a good mood, but why treat the kids like this...?

-Wow...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's beyond childishness; isn't this harassment?

