
Monday, May 13, 2024


Compilations of New Jeans' greetings, which Bang Sihyuk often ignores


Can you ignore their greetings?


-What did the kids do wrong to deserve this... The scars they received from being discriminated in their adolescence will last for their lifetime

-Danielle is like an angel...

-Oh, poor kidsㅠㅠㅠ Being mistreated by bad adults...

-As an adult, why would you ignore greetings from minors? Even if you don't know them, you should greet someone back if they greet you first.

-Ah, it hurts my heart.

-It's really absurd. A 50 y.o ignoring greetings from high schoolers. Does he seriously not think that the girls would be hurt?? 

-Look at them singing while greeting the other idols...

-Ah, it's so heartbreaking...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-How can you ignore their greetings...?

-I don't know why, but it brings tears to my eyes. They must have greeted him enthusiastically, just to get ignored...

-I'm really upset 

-Now I don't even see Bang Sihyuk as a human being anymore, damn.

-How can you do that to young kids, seriously? It's so frustrating.

-It hurts my heartㅠㅠ He's truly a devil.

-Why do I feel so upset?ㅠㅠ Especially when it's not my business...??? Why make the kids experience bullying due to your own inferiority complex?

-If you're really normal, even if they did something wrong to me, I couldn't ignore their greetings like that. What did they do wrong to receive such treatment?

-Why would you hurt those innocent kids?

-What a crazy sociopath.

-Bang, it's really disgusting.
