Sunday, May 14, 2023

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Winter recreates the looks that fans have been yearning for on Inkigayo today


I think she suits Hime cut really well! 


-I was so surprised to see how gorgeous she looks in green...

-She's really gorgeous... She looks pretty with any kind of styling...

-Among all the people I've seen with Hime cut, I think she's the one who suits it the best

-She looks really good in greenㅠㅠ I have never imagined seeing her both with a Hime cut and in a green outfit. She looks so prettyㅠㅠ

-I think she looks the most beautiful today...

-I really want to tell Winter that she looks really really beautiful these daysㅠㅠㅠ

-Princess Winter... What are you doing guys? We have to establish a country for her...

-She reminds me of Lee Sungkyung lately. She looks so lovely and pretty!

-Whoa... She's really beautiful... She has been receiving different styles these days and she looks absolutely perfect in each one. I think she was truly born to be an idol.

-Oh Gosh... I can't even find the word that can describe her beauty perfectly... Anyway, she's really gorgeousㅠ

-I hate Hime cutㅠㅠ I wonder when will that trend be over. Why would they do this hairstyle to such a beautiful girl?ㅠㅠ

-Winter looks gorgeous no matter what she does...

-So pretty. I can't believe she actually looks pretty with Hime cut.

-I'm not a big fan of Hime cut, but Winter looks really beautiful with it...

-There's nothing that she doesn't look good with...

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