Sunday, May 14, 2023

What group do you think of when you hear 'The master of harmonization'?


I'm currently listening to Taetiseo's First Snow and their harmonization blessed my ears... Please recommend me some other songs with great harmonies

DBSK for me


-Red Velvet



-Mamamoo even adds harmonization in their official greetingsㅋㅋㅋ

-Akdong Musician...

-BTOB and ONF. I remember being impressed when I heard ONF singing acapella on a radio show back then...

-Mamamoo and SHINee

-Sweet Sorrow and BTOB! And the girl group Sullyoon...? is in. I suddenly don't remember the group name...

-I also think of Taetiseoㅋㅋㅋ Their performance of Cater 2 U on Yoo Heeyeol's Sketchbook left a really deep impression on me...

-Why do I think of Lovelyz...?

-This reminds me of Mamamoo's official greetingsㅋㅋㅋ

-Mamamoo... I think NMIXX is also really good with harmonizations

-This reminds me of how DBSK was labeled as 'Acapella Group' when they first debutedㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I really hope Red Velvet to guest on Killing Voice one dayㅠㅠ

-DBSK... Because they were originally an acapella group

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