Sunday, May 14, 2023

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SNSD Yoona dances to New Jeans' Ditto and IVE's KITSCH at her birthday party today




-As expected from SNSD's center...

-Isn't she busy filming her new drama? I wonder when did she have the time to practice all of this...

-She suits KITSCH so freaking well...

-Whoa... I heard she practiced KITSCH in just 2 days... As expected from Yoona...

-The fact that she practiced KITSCH in just 2 days is unbelievableㅋㅋ Yoona-yaㅠㅠ

-I knew Yoona is a great dancer, but I'm always amazed every time I see her dance...

-Whoa... This is crazy. She suits KITSCH really wellㅋㅋ

-This is crazy... SNSD, please have a comeback. Idol Im Yoona, I love you.

-She's not the center of SNSD for no reason. She's an amazing dancer. Her body moves so smoothly to the rhythm of KITSCH, it's so pleasant to watch...

-Unnie... Please have a comeback

-Oh Gosh... Her cover of KITSCH is really amazing. Yoona is driving me insaneㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I'm sure she's really busy these days but she still took her time to practice...ㅠㅠㅠ

-Why does she look similar to Wonyoung when she dances to KITSCH?ㅋㅋㅋ I wonder if it's the way they dance? Or is it because of the visual...?ㅋㅋㅋ I would've believed it if someone told me she was an idol from Gen 4...ㅋㅋㅋ

-Legends are different...

-Whoa... She really does look like an idol from Gen 4. I guess she will stay beautiful and youthful for the rest of her life...

-This is amazing. I can't stop watching her cover of KITSCH...

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