
Friday, April 14, 2023


Boys Planet changes their rules without any explanations


In the 1st elimination, the trainees who ranked #2 and #3 sat in the front

In the 2nd elimination, the trainees who ranked #2 and #3 still sat in the front

In the 3rd elimination, the trainees who ranked #2 and #3 sat in the back and Seok Matthew sat in the front

At this time, Seok Matthew sat next to Sunmi out of the blue, stealing the spot of G Group's center, Zhang Hao. And now, he's stealing Zhang Hao's spot again.


1. [+315][-0] They usually announced 3 candidates for first place. But in the 2nd elimination, they announced 4 candidates for first place because Seok Matthew ranked #4.

2. [+260][-1] It surprises me how they do it so obviously

3. [+238][-0] To those who think this is not a big problem, you need to re-watch the whole show. The seat formation has never changed until now. It's my first time seeing them placing the trainees who rank #2 and #3 in the back. That's not the only problem here. The data of the visual vote shows that all trainees are choosing a specific trainee, is this also a coincidence?

4. [+219][-0] Why did they change the seat formation? It's not like Seok Matthew will rank #2 just because they changed the formation. I seriously don't understand the production team.

5. [+140][-0] Is this true?