Name: Shuhua
(2) We're in the same group, but this member's cuteness got me!
A: Miyeon Unnie
(3) When I have a delicious food, I want to share it with this member
A: I want to share with all
(4) This member will be the first person I talk to whenever I have concerns or worries
A: Soojin Unnie/Miyeon Unnie
Name: Miyeon
(2) We're in the same group, but this member's cuteness got me!
A: Shuhua
(3) Who is the member who lives her life in a fun way?
A: Shuhua
(4) This member will be the first person I talk to whenever I have concerns or worries
A: Shuhua
G-IDLE once did a V Live Broadcast and there was something that Shuhua wanted to say.
She muttered, "If we don't forget each other... Forever... Hmm?". She stuttered and Miyeon covered for her right away, "If we don't forget for each other, we'll last forever!? Shuha, that's really cool words". Shuha responded, 'That's right!! I've been waiting for you to praise me"
Shuhua gets nervous easily and here's Miyeon calming her down
Shuhua whined because she wanted to raise a puppy, but Miyeon said no because no one is going to take care of the puppy when they're busy. But then, when Shuhua turned legal age, she went with her to get puppies right away.
Cho Miyeon would order food for herself. But when Shuhua is hungry, she would cook for her.
There's more. She would take Shuhua to the hospital when she's sick.
Since Shuhua is a foreigner, there are things that she can't do and Cho Miyeon would let her use her name at those times.
The two of them are really beautiful and adorable
I'm proud for the fact that these two are in the same group
1. [+58][-0] Miyeon is already like a mother to Shuha... She takes care of her really well.
2. [+48][-0] Miyeon adores Shuhua so much that I wouldn't question it if someone told me that Miyeon is Shuhua's mother. And she does not only adore her like 'She's so cute~ㅎㅎ', but she's really proud of Shuhua. Her nickname is not 'Only has eyes for Yeh Shuhua' for no reason (for your information, she knows that's her nickname). And yet she gets embarrassed when she's asked the reason why she likes Shuhua. Sometimes, Shuhua seems to find it burdensome because Miyeon adores her, hugs her, and stares at her too much. But she relies on Miyeon a lotㅋㅋㅋㅋ The relationship between them is really adorable and fans find it heart-warming.
3. [+43][-0] Shuhua likes Miyeon a lot, too. And Shuhua's fans like her as well. So there's never been any problems between them. Here's a picture of an adorable dongsaeng staring at her adorable unnie.
4. [+38][-0] Miyeon takes care of Shuhua really well. So do Soyeon, Yuqi, and Minnie. Even Minnie's mom takes care of Shuhua really well, too. What is there to bicker about? The only thing left for them to do now is to be happy. Anyway, Cube really should fix the fridge and AC in their practice room. The practice room is indeed big, but how are G-IDLE and the other groups supposed to practice in that condition?
5. [+36][-0] Shuhua has a hint of 'primary school male student' vibes in her, she sometimes would complain and it seems like she doesn't like Miyeon, but that's not the truth. They take care of each other really well...ㅠㅠㅠ