-??? Is this real?? I'm happy for them but it's a really unexpected couple!
-Oh?? Both of them are the best when it comes to running in ISAC..
-Didn't they work together for Hit The Stage before..?
-Hul.. Both of them resemble each other..
-Hul.. I didn't see this coming..
-Hul.. They look cute together!
-Bora Unnie..ㅠㅠㅠ
-Whoa.. It's a very unexpected couple, but they look cute together!!
-Is this real..?
-They look good togetherㅠㅠ I'm a fan of them, I wish them all the best!!
-Whoa.. I guess they got to know each other because of Hit The Stage..
-Hul.. I thought they were just best friends!
-Bora's Rep already confirmed it!!
-Feeldog is a really good dancer..
-Bora Unnie is mine, though..
-Be happy!!
-Sunggyu and Hoya must be really shocked to hear thisㅋㅋ