
Tuesday, May 14, 2024


The video that Byun Wooseok liked on Instagram



-Does he press like on everything that pops up in his feed?ㅋㅋㅋ

-He's really into Sunjaeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-He must be proud that he came out looking so prettyㅋㅋㅋ

-He is a kissing scene masterㅋㅋㅋ

-Cute 💙

-No, but seriously, he's really good at kissing scenes


-Our algorithms must be similarㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Continue reading The video that Byun Wooseok liked on Instagram

When asked if it was true that Chairman Bang Sihyuk didn't greet the New Jeans members, he said, "It's difficult to answer."


A parent of New Jeans' member, Mrs. A, said in the interview, "On the day of Min Heejin's press conference on the 25th. Three of us, including me, went to HYBE. We were worried about what might happen with CEO Min's press conference. We thought we might be able to bridge the gap between HYBE and ADOR."

Mrs. A claimed, "Bang Sihyuk doesn't only refuses the greetings of my daughter, but the other members' too. They all had similar experiences since their debut. One member even said that he refused to response to her greetings even though they were in the elevator together."

She went on to say, "When we raised this issue, HYBE's staff said, 'Mam, it's a misunderstanding,' and mentioned that 'Chairman Bang may have prosopagnosia (NB: Face blindness)." Mrs. A also added, "I thought, 'Even if he really does have prosopagnosia, wouldn't he hear the greetings? And even if he can't recognize who it is, wouldn't you normally respond when someone greets you?"

The parents of New Jeans expressed their disbelief in at the time, stating, "We wonder why Bang Sihyuk ignored New Jeans' members and avoided greeting them every time the girls encountered him in the company." They mentioned instances where their children felt ignored and sensed being avoided on purpose, not just once or twice but multiple times. They expressed their astonishment as parents at such immature and unbelievable behavior, feeling at a loss for words to comfort their children, who are only middle and high school students.

In response to these claims, a representative from HYBE stated in a call with Chosun.com, "We have no separate statement."

When asked if it was true that Chairman Bang Sihyuk did not greet the New Jeans members, he said, "It's difficult to answer."


-If he suffers from prosopagnosia, isn't it impossible for him to work in the industry? Just quit

-Why is it difficult to answer? Can't they just respond with a yes or no?

-Looking at how HYBE couldn't find an answer, it seems like Bang Sihyuk never responded to New Jeans' greetings at all. Why is he acting like that at his age??

-It's confirmed, they couldn't answer because Bang Sihyuk never responded to New Jeans' greetings. Pathetic.

-HYBE couldn't answer because the claim is true. Bang Sihyuk must be ashamed of himself, ignoring greetings from kids younger than him.


-Apparently, there are witnesses not only from HYBE staff but also from broadcasting station people, so they can't deny itㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Seriously?? He never responded to New Jeans' greetings?? Not even once?? How can someone in his 50s act like that towards teenage girls??

-The claims are true, then.

-Even residents in the same apartment building at least exchange nods in the elevator...

-They can't answer because it's true. It's really bad.

-Honestly, everything about this situation is ridiculous.

-It's shameful, really.

-The fact that such a person is a chairman of a company... Wow...

Continue reading When asked if it was true that Chairman Bang Sihyuk didn't greet the New Jeans members, he said, "It's difficult to answer."
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"The reason why Bang Sihyuk doesn't greet New Jeans?" HYBE's short answer makes me, a third party, dumbfounded

We conducted a phone interview with Mrs. A, the mother of a member of New Jeans. The interview took place after claims that Bang Sihyuk, as the chairman of HYBE, mistreated New Jeans' members. 

Mrs. A said, "In the email we sent, it was mentioned that Bang Sihyuk refuses to receive New Jeans' greetings. This doesn't only happen to my daughter, but also to the other members. They all had similar experiences since their debut. One member even said that he refused to response to her greetings even though they were in the elevator together." She continued, "When we raised this issue, HYBE's staff said, 'Mam, it's a misunderstanding,' and mentioned that 'Chairman Bang may have prosopagnosia (NB: Face blindness)."

Previously, New Jeans' parents sent an email to HYBE last month, expressing their objections to this matter and raising concerns about similarities between New Jeans and the rookie group of HYBE's subsidiary BELIFT Lab, ILLIT.

Regarding the statement that "Chairman Bang may have prosopagnosia," some fans on Twitter speculated, "Does that mean they admit that Bang Sihyuk did not respond to the girls' greetings?", "They don't want to admit Bang Sihyuk's at the fault. So, instead of saying 'He has prosopagnosia,' they said, 'He may have prosopagnosia." Criticisms followed, including "Even if he really does have prosopagnosia, isn't it a basic manner to respond to someone's greetings?"

Mrs. A also added, "I thought, 'Even if he really does have prosopagnosia, wouldn't he hear the greetings? And even if he can't recognize who it is, wouldn't you normally respond when someone greets you?"

Meanwhile, HYBE dismissed the claim that Bang Sihyuk mistreated New Jeans' members, saying "It's a one-sided claim."

-The more excuses they make, the weirder, annoying, and cowardly it gets...

-Can't they just admit it?? They're supposed to be adults...

-They couldn't even lie?? 'Prosopagnosia' is hilariousㅋㅋㅋ

-How much more embarrassing can HYBE get?

-They'll be the laughingstock foreverㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Even if they have prosopagnosia, ignoring someone who greets you in a company where you're the chairman? That's even more ridiculous.

-Even if I have trouble recognizing faces, I'd still respond to someone who greets me, even if I don't know them...

-Even if you can't see their face, wouldn't you hear when someone greets you??ㅋㅋㅋ

-They're digging their own grave.

-Even if they have prosopagnosia... when someone greets you, shouldn't you respond?

-Do they really think having a disability means he can't greet people?

-Seriously, real people with those disabilities would be even more diligent in responding to greetings, what nonsense.

-HYBE is like a meme generator at this point.

-They're basically confirming that Bang Sihyuk refuses to respond to New Jeans' greetings.

-Even if you don't know who they are, if they greet you, you should respond, you human being.

-They should've said that he also has a hearing loss...
Continue reading "The reason why Bang Sihyuk doesn't greet New Jeans?" HYBE's short answer makes me, a third party, dumbfounded

HYBE accuses ADOR of spreading false information to negatively impact their stock prices and cause losses to investors

 HYBE accuses ADOR of spreading false information (accusing artists from HYBE of copying other artists) and manipulating public opinion to negatively impact their stock prices and causing losses to investors

They're accusing ADOR of accusing their artist of plagiarism to make their stock price drop...?


-'False information'... Seriously?ㅋㅋㅋ

-Please, have some shame.

-They are even more foolish than I thought, it's just beyond words.

-What kind of nonsense is this?

-Do they even know what they're talking about?

-So, they're saying that the plagiarism accusation is false?ㅋㅋㅋ Ridiculous. Everybody knows they copied her. It seems like they're just saying anything that comes up to their mind without thinking much.

-Seems like they think the public are idiots. Aren't there more important things to explain?

-Stop playing dumb.

-First of all, it's not false information that there was plagiarism! What nonsense!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The stock price drop started when HYBE publicized the dispute.

-Are they accusing themselves? Splitting personalities is a symptom of schizophrenia.

-You guys... did the spreading, didn't you?

-ㅋㅋㅋ It's just funny nowㅋㅋㅋ

-Weren't you guys the one who spread Min Heejin's internal opinions to the public?ㅋㅋ

Continue reading HYBE accuses ADOR of spreading false information to negatively impact their stock prices and cause losses to investors

Byun Wooseok's Company's Instagram Story


No wonder why they wanted to boast about it... It entered Melon's Top 10ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It must be the company's first time experiencing such thing, since they're actors/actresses companyㅋㅋㅋㅋ


-Shall I prepare to go see him on MCountdown?

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The song is really good, it reminds me of the Emergency Room from that old Chunhyang dramaㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It's amazing...

-It's something to be proud ofㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Please have a special stage on M Countdown...

-The song is so good, I keep listening to it

-Can't they perform on MCountdown? I don't care if they lipsync...


-Let's go to M Countdown

-Please come on M Countdownㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This should be preservedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-A rare experienceㅋㅋㅋ

-M Countdown, be prepared

-Please make an appearance on M Countdownㅠ

Continue reading Byun Wooseok's Company's Instagram Story

"Sold Stocks Just Before the Attack" HYBE Requests FSS to do an Investigation on ADOR Executives

According to the investment banking (IB) industry, HYBE is expected to submit a complaint to the Financial Supervisory Service requesting an investigation into Vice President S for alleged violations of the Capital Markets Act, including spreading rumors and using undisclosed information. Simultaneously, HYBE also plans FSS to investigate other ADOR's executives, including CEO Min Heejin. HYBE believes that ADOR is spreading false information that an artist under HYBE's label plagiarized another artist and caused harm to investors. 

HYBE reported that Vice President S of ADOR sold all 950 shares of HYBE stock he held, worth 200 M KRW. They believed this was 'the use of undisclosed information' because Vice President S sold his sales just one day before ADOR's executives sent the 'second email' to HYBE. HYBE suspects that Vice President S sold his shares because he anticipated a drop in HYBE's stock price after the email was revealed to the public. 

HYBE claims that after an audit began and internal conflicts arose, their stock price dropped sharply to 190,000 KRW. In response, ADOR stated, "The audit was publicly announced by HYBE on the 22nd. That was the day after Vice President S sold his shares. It doesn't make sense to say that Vice President S was anticipating the stock price to drop." Vice President S argued, "It was impossible to know about the audit on the 22nd. I sold my shares for a down payment on a house, no other motives involved."

HYBE also requested the FSS to investigate CEO Min Heejin under the accusation of manipulating public opinion, knowing in advance that HYBE's stock price would fall. HYBE plans to submit evidence they gathered from the audit, including Kakao Talk conversations where Min Heejin and others explicitly acknowledged the drop in HYBE's stock price. For example, in a conversation from March 16, Vice President L predicted, "If the dispute becomes an issue, their stock price will drop," to which Min Heejin replied, "Of course."

Furthermore, on April 3, in a group Kakao Talk chat with Min Heejin, Vice President S, Vice President L, and Internal Director K, Vice President L stated, "If this goes to litigation, the stock price will drop, and minority shareholders will want to sue. If they join us, it will trouble HYBE." On April 18, Vice President L mentioned, "Fair Trade Commision -> public opinion battle -> lawsuit," and discussed a strategy to avoid direct involvement."


-Since there's not enough evidence for embezzlement, they're probably gathering everything they can to appeal in court.

-Do they have bad memory or something? Aren't they the ones who started this?

-They started the attack themselvesㅋㅋ Aren't they the ones who spread news that Min Hee-jin was trying to take over, causing the stock price to drop?ㅋㅋㅋ

-Why are they doing this?

-It's going too far now.

-This is the epitome of pettiness. Birds of a feather flock together. How did all these petty and narrow-minded people end up becoming executives at HYBE?

-It seems like HYBE should be the one investigated by the FSS...

-First of all, didn't HYBE start the attack? Also, if ADOR intended to steal their company, would they sell their shares? HYBE's behavior is getting worse.

-I just want the investigation to start quickly. This isn't poker; why drag it out piece by piece?

-Vice President S just needed money for the down payment for a houseㅋㅋㅋ It's not like he sold hundreds of billions, it was just 200 M KRW.

-HYBE's pathetic...

-Why would they sell his shares if he wants to take over the company?? It just doesn't add up, you stupid. 

-HYBE's statements don't even add upㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Just let Vice President S move to his new house...
Continue reading "Sold Stocks Just Before the Attack" HYBE Requests FSS to do an Investigation on ADOR Executives

[Lovely Runner] Today's Ryu Sunjae's Top 5 Key Momentsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

 This one is my personal favorite...









-Byun Wooseok is a romantic comedy geniusㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Romantic comedy genius ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Only walk the romantic comedy path

-My gums are dry from smiling too muchㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Ah, really, he's too adorable 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

-Ryu Sunjae, please keep doing romantic comedyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Romantic comedy genius, kissing scene genius

-Seriously, no. 2 is wow..

-Master of flirting, Ryu Sunjaeㅋㅋㅋ

-Why is Ryu Sunjae so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I'm going crazy!!!!

-I'm going crazy because you're so cute, Sunjae

-20-year-old Sunjae is so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Today's episode was freaking legendaryㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Byun Wooseok seems to be really good at comedyㅋㅋㅋ There were so many comedy scenes today, and he nailed them all

-I feel like I'm going to die from sweetness...

Continue reading [Lovely Runner] Today's Ryu Sunjae's Top 5 Key Momentsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It's fascinating how this 20-second clip captures the uniqueness of Aespa so perfectly


The best part in the whole song.

My personal Song of the Year.

-To Aespa's fans, when can I see them perform this song?? I really want to see them perform this song!ㅠㅠ

-The song is really unique, but it's addictive.

-Who's the director... they did a really great job.

-So cool... It doesn't feel mainstream, but it's really cool.

-The beat in this part is so goodㅋㅋㅋ

-It's really unique, but I like it.

-I also really like the beat in this part, it suits my style.

-The MV is really well-made, who's the director...?

-Kind of reminds me of NCT 127ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-How does Aespa manage to blend 90s vibes with a futuristic feel?

-The concept is really extravagant and unique, but they suit it so well. It's so cool and exactly Aespa-like, both the song and the MV truly showcase Aespa's unique vibe.

-I really love this songㅋㅋㅋ
Continue reading It's fascinating how this 20-second clip captures the uniqueness of Aespa so perfectly

Byun Wooseok's Latest Weverse DM Ryu-Fox


'Sol-ah... XX-ya, sleep tight~'

-So cute, seriously ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, so insanely cute.

-Don't be cute like that.

-So cute, I can't take it ㅠ

-You can see the redness on his cheeks because he's drunk ㅜㅜㅜ So cute ㅠㅠ

-Why does a 34-year-old look this cute? Why. Why?!?!?!

-ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Can you marry me?

-Sunjae, are you looking for Sol even in Weverse?ㅋㅋㅋ So cute, his cheeks are so pink. I'm meltingㅠㅠㅠ

-ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm really going nuts...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Ahh 🚬🚬 So happy.

-His dimples are pretty.

-I'm really going insane.

-I like it..........
Continue reading Byun Wooseok's Latest Weverse DM Ryu-Fox

Byun Wooseok's Insta Story Update (His 8th Debut Anniversary)


Thank you Woo-che-tong-tongs🥰

(NB: Woo-che-tong/우체통 = Mailbox)


-Congratulations on your 8th debut anniversary


-Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️

-Congratulations on your 8th debut anniversary. May it be a long-lasting journey on a flowery path!

-Congratulations!!! Wishing you even more success!!!

-Congratulations on the 8th anniversary 💙💙

-Let's become even more successful, congratulations on your 8th debut anniversary 💙

-Congratulations on your 8th debut anniversary!!!

-I love Byun Wooseok.

-Congratulations, let's continue to succeed even more.

-Congratulations !!!!!!!! May you receive even more love in the future!

-So adorableㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

-Congratulations, Wooseok-ah~~

-Wooseok-ahㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ Congratulations

Continue reading Byun Wooseok's Insta Story Update (His 8th Debut Anniversary)

I told a TripleS' member that I want to join TripleS and this is what happened...


Yesterday I told Chaeyeon that I want to become a TripleS member, then she suddenly called her manager. I freaked out because I thought I did something wrong, but then Chaeyeon told her manager, "She wants to join TripleS, what should she do?" I burst out laughing 

Chaeyeon: (reads) Can you tell me how to become a TripleS' member?

Fan: Yeah, I want to become a TripleS' member

Chaeyeon: Manager-nim... 

Manager: There's an audition link on Youtube (kindly told me their email address as well)

Chaeyeon: Isn't this the first-ever in the entertainment world?

Fan: Are you still going to add members? I want to join. Can't you recommend me?


-What a plot twist, if this fan really becomes a TripleS member, it would be really legendary

-Oh Godㅋㅋㅋ If this fan really joins TripleS, it would be really legendary

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Oh, hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Chaeyeon is seriously the bestㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-'How did you get into TripleS?' 'Through fan signing.'

-Everyone in that clip is really adorableㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Hul... Is that Chaeyeon from Busters?? I felt really sorry when the group disbanded. I had no idea she re-debuted... Hul... Congratulations! I couldn't recognize her at first because of her hair...

-Chaeyeon-ie is so cute

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋThis reminds me of that NCT's member who became a member of NCT because he was a fan of NCTㅋㅋㅋㅋ
 ㄴReally? Who?
 ㄴI think she was talking about Ryo

Continue reading I told a TripleS' member that I want to join TripleS and this is what happened...

Foreign choreographer spoke up about ILLIT's choreography on Instagram three months ago


As an artist and choreographer, someone who devotes their life to creating original moves and does this as a living, it’s very frustrating to see people take your steps without any credit. As flattered as I am that their choreographer liked it so much as to learn it, change the song, and do it for their video, it’s NEVER okay to plagiarize and not give credit. Especially when you’re a group of artists. Please do better @illit_official @hybe.labels.audition @beliftlab . 

It was posted three months ago... It seems like they just copied the choreography as it is for a completely different son, but looking at the content of the post, they didn't credit her for the choreography, right?


-Wow... this is embarrassing

-It's exactly the same, this should be more widely known

-Wow, it's exactly the same

-What song's choreography is that? Why is it exactly the same??

-Isn't this just a cover of the same song?

-The choreography is exactly the same from start to finish, but they used a different song??

-Shouldn't this really be covered as news? Seriously, it's been buried for three months???

-According to the choreographer's comment, they used the choreography as is, but they didn't credit or even mention it when they used it for a different song.

-What song did they dance to?

-??? It's completely the same??? And it's not a cover dance????

-Wow, the top company in the industry has no copyright awareness

-This is just unacceptable

-They only credited her after the controversy erupted.

-Huh?? So ILLIT credited them later?

-Since there are a lot of comments mentioning about it, they added the credits later. 

-There was no credit at first, right? They added it because of the controversy. They're really hopeless.

-Did they credit it because it became a controversy?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading Foreign choreographer spoke up about ILLIT's choreography on Instagram three months ago