Tuesday, May 14, 2024


HYBE accuses ADOR of spreading false information to negatively impact their stock prices and cause losses to investors

 HYBE accuses ADOR of spreading false information (accusing artists from HYBE of copying other artists) and manipulating public opinion to negatively impact their stock prices and causing losses to investors

They're accusing ADOR of accusing their artist of plagiarism to make their stock price drop...?


-'False information'... Seriously?ㅋㅋㅋ

-Please, have some shame.

-They are even more foolish than I thought, it's just beyond words.

-What kind of nonsense is this?

-Do they even know what they're talking about?

-So, they're saying that the plagiarism accusation is false?ㅋㅋㅋ Ridiculous. Everybody knows they copied her. It seems like they're just saying anything that comes up to their mind without thinking much.

-Seems like they think the public are idiots. Aren't there more important things to explain?

-Stop playing dumb.

-First of all, it's not false information that there was plagiarism! What nonsense!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The stock price drop started when HYBE publicized the dispute.

-Are they accusing themselves? Splitting personalities is a symptom of schizophrenia.

-You guys... did the spreading, didn't you?

-ㅋㅋㅋ It's just funny nowㅋㅋㅋ

-Weren't you guys the one who spread Min Heejin's internal opinions to the public?ㅋㅋ

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