
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Foreign choreographer spoke up about ILLIT's choreography on Instagram three months ago


As an artist and choreographer, someone who devotes their life to creating original moves and does this as a living, it’s very frustrating to see people take your steps without any credit. As flattered as I am that their choreographer liked it so much as to learn it, change the song, and do it for their video, it’s NEVER okay to plagiarize and not give credit. Especially when you’re a group of artists. Please do better @illit_official @hybe.labels.audition @beliftlab . 

It was posted three months ago... It seems like they just copied the choreography as it is for a completely different son, but looking at the content of the post, they didn't credit her for the choreography, right?


-Wow... this is embarrassing

-It's exactly the same, this should be more widely known

-Wow, it's exactly the same

-What song's choreography is that? Why is it exactly the same??

-Isn't this just a cover of the same song?

-The choreography is exactly the same from start to finish, but they used a different song??

-Shouldn't this really be covered as news? Seriously, it's been buried for three months???

-According to the choreographer's comment, they used the choreography as is, but they didn't credit or even mention it when they used it for a different song.

-What song did they dance to?

-??? It's completely the same??? And it's not a cover dance????

-Wow, the top company in the industry has no copyright awareness

-This is just unacceptable

-They only credited her after the controversy erupted.

-Huh?? So ILLIT credited them later?

-Since there are a lot of comments mentioning about it, they added the credits later. 

-There was no credit at first, right? They added it because of the controversy. They're really hopeless.

-Did they credit it because it became a controversy?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
