Tuesday, November 1, 2022

My mom tore and destroyed all of my things just because I went to Itaewon


I experienced the same thing when I was in my 10s. Since then, it became a wound that never completely healed until this second. 

 That was the point I started to see my parents as enemies. If you are a parent, please do not do things like this. 

It seems like rather than being thankful that her daughter returned home safely, she chose to vent her anger because her daughter made her worried. That is f*cking selfish. 

Can you understand her mother?

+For your information, the OP is not underage. She's a college student. 

-I totally understand if she was worried for her daughter and it was really upsetting for her. But tearing up and destroying all the things that her daughter has collected over the years will only make her daughter hate her. 

-The mom did a good thing

-Tearing up and destroying things like this is violence. It will leave a f*cking huge shock to her daughter. I can totally understand that she was worried, but this will become a core memory for her daughter. My parents threw out my favorite sketchbook and I still remember that even though years have passed. I can't imagine how bad is it for the OP since those things must've been really precious for her.

-If she was worried, she should've said it instead of expressing it violently like that. It's not like destroying things could calm her down. It only makes the relationship between her and her daughter go worse.

-Why did she destroy that?? She should've hugged her daughter and thanked her for coming back home safely.

-That will become a core memory for her daughter...

-Is going to Itaewon a f*cking crime??

-Does worrying about her daughter have anything to do with destroying those slogans?? I just don't understand it. What do you usually destroy when you're worried about someone?

-If her daughter ended up injured and was at the hospital, she probably would've become angry and caused a fuss at the hospital. I have experienced it. 

-I can totally understand how her mother feels, it's just that she expressed it in the wrong way...

-If you're on the mother's side, you really shouldn't have kids...

-I experienced a similar thing when I was younger. That's the reason why I grew up without sharing my worries and concerns with them. Not to mention that this is really upsetting. 

-I heard that only Asian mothers do this... This is violence

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