
Friday, October 28, 2022


Class:y's CEO, Cho Yi-hyun, is really legendary;


She cropped Park Boeun's face just so that she could post this Hanbok picture in which she sits in the centerㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


1. [+237][-1] Is she doing this because DIA wasn't popular back then?

2. [+204][-0] There's nothing good about revealing the CEO's face, though... She even took the center position instead of posing on the sides.

3. [+182][-0] She should've kept her image as 'Young and talented CEO who used to be an idol and takes care of her young artists just like her own daughters'. Why did she change her image to 'CEO who acted up because she wasn't popular when she used to be an idol back then'?

4. [+154][-0] If you notice, most of the unpopular groups are usually from companies that can't do their job properly... I feel bad for her.

5. [+146][-0] I would've thought that group has 8 members if I didn't read this post carefullyㅋㅋㅋ She should've acted like a real CEO, why is she in that picture?ㅋㅋㅋ It's funny because I have never seen any idol groups who took national holiday greeting pictures with their CEO posing in the centerㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+82][-0] I have been a fangirl for 7 years and this is my first time seeing a CEO poses in the center for the group's picture for the national holiday greeting. 

7. [+64][-1] Isn't Park Boeun the member that this company pushes the most? It's very legendary of her to crop out the face of the member the company pushes the most just so her face comes out perfectly in the picture.
