Friday, April 15, 2022

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[Queendom 2] BRAVE GIRLS - MVSK



-This song is so f*cking goodㅋㅋㅋ I thought this was their own song at first, it's so nice...

-This is so much different from the original song. I think they arranged it nicely, it suits them really well. I also think they did a great job by choosing a side-track that most viewers are not familiar with.

-They did so much better than I expectedㅋㅋㅋ They did really well, the concept suits them really well, and the outfits are so much better than their previous stage

-Whoa, they did a great job. Honestly, this sounds like their own song even more than their comebacks after Rollin'.

-I'm relieved that they nailed this stageㅜㅜ I'm rooting for them...

-I never listened to the original song, so this sounds just like Brave Girls' song to meㅋㅋㅋ Great job...

-This really does sound like their own song. I think they suit this kind of concept really well.

-I checked out the original song after watching this performance and it sounds really fastㅋㅋㅋㅋ It gives off different vibes to me...

-I love the original version but this arranged version suits my preference even moreㅋㅋㅋ I love it...

-Whoa... Can Brave Girls please have a comeback with this concept please?

-This is so much better than their previous stage...

-I love the original song so I had quite high expectations on them and it's safe to say they didn't disappoint me.

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