Thursday, February 14, 2019

Song Yunhyeong's reps 'They're not dating' vs Daisy's reps 'They have interest in each other'

-It's like they're saying 'They used to have interest in each other, but have broken up today'..

-I feel bad for Daisy..

-Seems like Daisy doesn't have any interest in him anymore from now on..

-This is what YG always does..

-It's either the guy or YG is the real jerk in this situation.. They should've discussed about their feedbacks before releasing it to the public. What the hell is this..?

-They had interest in each other -> It's true that they hang out because they like each other, but they're not in relationship -> They went out on a date despite not being in a relationship..

-Both of them must be busy with their schedules. They probably couldn't hang out much in the past 3 months because of it, right? I think they're just flirting with each other..

-What the hell is going on here..? The girl's rep is the only one who confirms the dating rumor..? I feel bad for her..ㅠㅠ

-Aren't they basically saying the same thing..??? It's true that they have interest in each other, but they're not dating.. I think that's what they're trying to say, though..?

-Okay, so they've been hanging out for the past 3 months and the girl thinks they're in relationship but the guy doesn't..?

-What the hell is happening here.. It's Valentine's day..

-Seems like they were just flirting with each other..

-Seriously, YG..??ㅋㅋㅋ

-YG sounds like a big loser in this feedback..

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