Thursday, February 14, 2019

Fan's anecdotes after seeing ITZY on MCountdown + break dance part that gets positive reactions

[Anecdotes after seeing ITZY on MCountdown today]

The show was delayed a little bit, so we had to wait for a while.
The fan manager taught us the fanchant while we waited.. Dal! La! Dal! La! Whoa~~~ㅋㅋㅋ
It's my first time seeing ITZY in person and when the girls came on the stage, I literally gasped for an air.. The only thing that came out my lips was 'Whoa'.. I hope you guys check their stage out today..
It was also the girls' first time seeing the fans..ㅋㅋㅋ Both the fans and the girls were really fascinated to see each other..ㅋㅋㅋ
The outfits and hairstyle for today's stage were really pretty. Ponytail + white tank top for tops.
And Lia has a really beautiful shoulder, I can't help but admire it.
Lia is the 'shoulder-mafia' in ITZY..ㅎㅎ

Since it's their first stage, the must've felt really emotional. They somehow looked like they were going to burst out into tears when they were on stage..ㅎㅎ But they still looked pretty anyways.
I noticed when they went off of the stage, the girls hugged Chaeryeong and they all teared up.
It really showed that they're still rookies, which was very adorable.
They couldn't find the right timing to communicate with the fans.. The fans were screaming for them, but the girls didn't know that the mics were off and kept talking. Their voices got buriedㅎㅎ

And I think Yeji turned into a different person as soon as the sing started.
And Lia looks really beautiful just like what everyone is saying.
Ryujin looks more relaxed. She stood in the center and stared straight into the camera, her gaze was not like a rookie's gaze at all.. 
Chaeryeong made me realize that JYP's dancers are still amazing as usual..
When they first came up to the stage, they were all smiley and stuffs but as soon as the song started, they turned into professional idols!
I think Yuna is more like a.. cheerful type? She kept communicating with fans.. And fans around me kept talking about how her legs are really long, and said that 'her legs are 3 meters long'..
Her matureness got fans questioning 'Is she really a '03liner?' People can't help but admire her looks. JYP's maknaes have stunning visuals..

I was very happy to see their debut stage live.. But since the pre-recording started at dawn, I felt really tired. It was so cold that I thought I was going to die.


1. [+33][-3] I think the OP would never forget the heart-fluttering she had since it was not only their debut stage, but also their first stage in music shows.. I'm so jealous of her, I truly am..ㅋㅋ

2. [+30][-1] I also went to Mcountdown's recording!! The girls look so pretty in person, they're really tall and also slimㄷㄷㄷ And I think their mics sounded like they were off because the fans' cheering was so loud.. I don't know what Yeji said, but I think it must be something funny..ㅋㅋ

3. [+25][-1] I actually had no thoughts to go to the recording, but I decided to since it's their firs stage. We had to wait outside for a while and wait for another 1 hour in the studio. As I waited, I saw the girls monitored their stages for like 3 times. Yuna is really pretty, she suits red hair really well. I personally think their outfits today were really pretty, even though Yeji and Lia looked a little bit cold..ㅋㅋ Ryujin looked pretty in black. I had high expectation after seeing their MV and V App performance and they're all great dancers.. After finishing monitoring their stages, they had to stand by for a while and communicated with fans. They expressed their gratitude for fans who waited despite the cold weather and also for cheering them with loud voices. When they were going to get off of the stage, Yeji forgot that they didn't do the greetings and that was really adorable.. 

4. [+18][-1] I'm so jealous that the OP got to see Lia in person..

5. [+15][-0] I'm a fan who originally had no interest in ITZY, but after seeing their M/V for once.. I just can't help but repeat it..ㅠㅠ The girls are pretty and really good at dancingㅠㅠ They're also charming and judging from their performance today, they're also a great performerㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[ITZY's DALLA DALLA dance break that gets positive responses]

Click on the speaker for sound
The ending is really cuteㅋㅋ

-I think they need to be extra careful to not hurt their necks..ㅋㅋㅋ

-I really like that 'Ddabong' (NB. Thumbs Up) part..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I really like the part where they punch the air!

-This dance break looks so f*cking cool..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-I don't think the choreography is that great~~ But I have to agree that the girls are very beautiful and charming..

-The killing point in this choreography is the free-style part after the thumbs up part..

-I really like how their hair are all over the place..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Whoa, their necks must hurt a lot.. Are they able to perform this song live..? The choreography looks too fierce..

-I personally think all of the members are great dancers..

-The girls are so freaking adorable..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I just think the Ddabong part is really cute..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The girls are talented, but I'm not really into the choreography..

-What's up with their outfits, though..

-I think the choreography is really nice and adorable..ㅋㅋㅋ Especially the dance break..

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