Saturday, July 14, 2018

Would you rather have the body vs face vs personality you've always wanted?

Just like what I said, you can have the body you've always wanted. 
You can change your body proportion, or even your height and also the size of your face.
People wouldn't notice it and think the change in your body looks natural.

Just like what I said, you can have the face you've always wanted.
You can change your facial features, the shape of your face, your skin tone, hair and just everything.
And people wouldn't notice it and think the change in your face is natural.
You would never hear people calling you the plastic monster.

Just like what I said, you can have the personality you've always wanted.
You can be just like Kim Sook, who is funny and easy going. People wouldn't be offended even if you talk about topics that are sensitive to them. You can also be friendly and talk in a pretty way. 
People wouldn't notice the change in your personality.

What would you choose?

-Body.. I'm so tired with all these diets, and I love fried chicken so much..

-Personality.. I personally think that being attractive is the most important..

-Personality.. It's all that matters..

-Body.. I'm quite satisfied with the face and personality that I have right now..

-Body.. I'm happy with my personality and for face.. Well, I'm choosing body over face.

-Body.. I wish I could be born with body like Seolhyun's. 

-Personality.. It's not like I'm going to become a celebrity or anything so body and face don't really matter to me. Besides, I'm quite satisfied with the way I look. 

-Personality.. My appearance is not too bad, I just want to change my personality..ㅠㅠㅠ

-Face.. Because I can change my body and personality if I put some effort in it..

-Personality.. Because I'm happy with my current face and body..

-Face.. Visual is all that matters. My body and personality is not too bad in my opinion.

-Body.. I wish my body looks like a Victoria Secret's model's body..

-Body.. Because body is more important than face, in my personal opinion.

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