Friday, February 23, 2024

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The Cast of "Transit Love 3" Talks About His Ex in a Harsh Manner


Overly clingy.

She's too different. 

She was different from the version of her when we were dating. 

She was also different from the version of her when we first met again for the show. 

Different how?

She's the least attractive now. 


-Oh, come on.

-People are disappointing.

-It was him who wanted to go out for a date, so I'm even more annoyed.

-Please, just stop talking ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Is that scene maliciously edited or did he actually say that?

-Can't you... show some respect for people...

-Being clingy can honestly be annoying and unattractive, I get that. But openly saying that is rude.

-But then again, if you watch the video, it's not meant to be taken in a bad way, it's just that he's not good at choosing his words.

-Such a jerk.

-Oh, please...... Think before you speak...... 

-Can't relate to this couple at all, seems like they're acting, so I end up skipping it.

-He's the least attractive himselfㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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