Friday, February 23, 2024


Hwang Jung-eum Instagram comments + replies


The comment on Hwang Jung-eum's Instagram post reads:

I understand Yeongdoni-hyung. Honestly, if you have abilities and money, you won't be satisfied with just one woman. If you can't understand a wealthy man having affairs, then you shouldn't marry oneㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Her replies:

I have a thousand times more money than him.
What do you know to mock me?
So, if I earn more money and am more talented than him, does it mean it's right for me to have affairs? According to your logicㅋ

Did you think I married him knowing that he's a cheater? I married him because I didn't know he was a cheater. That's life.

I endured once~ It's the first time I've endured something since I was born. 

You're Lee Youngdon, right??ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-There are so many trash comments, please sue them all, Unnie...

-Cheating is really a habit, once you tolerate it, they'll continue to cheat. She should've just divorced him when she first found out. 

-Hwang Jung-eum, fighting. I'll support you no matter what.

-Those losers in life who don't have anything better to do, wandering around here and there leaving hate comments... they really have nothing to do... Someone should go offer them some part-time jobs.

-It feels like I can hear her voiceㅋㅋㅋ I like her courageous attitude.

-I don't know who that person is because their ID is not visible, but if you look at their Instagram, they're probably a truckload of people who talk like that while hiding behind their real names and faces.

-Cheating and gambling... There's no one who does it just once, she should've just dumped them at first.

-People without money or ability always get emotionally involved in weird things.

-I'll continue to support you, so don't get hurt and endure it till the end. I hope Hwang Jung-eum,  ends up with someone who matches her, both money and ability wise.  Why did she even marry a cheater with no wealth and ability?

-It's not something to laugh about, but it's funnyㅋㅋㅋ Get a quick and safe divorce and come back with a great next project.

-Hwang Jung-eum, fighting!! Those kinds of comments are just pathetic.

-What's so regretful about Hwang Jung-eum that she has to endure it?

-In reality, Hwang Jung-eum wouldn't even look these idiots in the eye.

-The epitome of a loser.

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