
Thursday, July 13, 2023


New Jeans ranks #11 on Spotify US


So amazing...


-Hul... That's amazing

-Isn't this the best ranking for Korean girl groups?? What was Fifty Fifty's best record?? Anyway, they're really amazing

-That's crazy... What about New Jeans (The song)?? Honestly, I prefer this song more than that, though...

-Whoa... It's amazing how they rank #11 even when Taylor just re-released her album...ㄷㄷ

-I didn't really like Super Shy at first, but I can't get it out of my head nowㅋㅋㅋ

-I told y'all this song was good!

-This song is indeed really addicting...

-Let's go to the Top 10ㅠㅠ Jjang Jeans...

-Seriously, though... I f*cking love this song. It sounds really good and trendy.

-HYBE, please release ETA as soon as possible...

-Super Shy is a really amazing songㅋㅋㅋ I don't think I will get tired of this song ever...

-Wow... Out of the topic, but Cruel Summer is still dominating the charts... That song was released a few years ago. 

-It's so cool to see New Jeans ranking in the chart along with those other singers...

-By the way, don't you guys think the album cover is really cute?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Weren't Enchanted and Back To December released in 2013? 2014...?? That's insane
