
Saturday, July 15, 2023

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New Jeans' Danielle Pucca hairstyle vs sleek ponytail

 1. Pucca hairstyle

2. Sleek ponytail

She looks beautiful either way, but my vote goes to the sleek ponytail hairstyle


-I can't pick one...

-No hairstyle can outdo her Pucca hairstyle

-I had no idea she would look that gorgeous with sleek ponytail. It suits her really well.

-Her Pucca hairstyle is absolutely legendary. I have never seen anyone look that beautiful with that hairstyle.

-I'm not a fan but I really like her with sleek ponytail. It makes her look like a beautiful pop star.

-She looks adorable with Pucca hairstyle and looks gorgeous with sleek ponytail...

-She looks really beautiful with both hairstyle, I can't pick oneㅠㅠㅠ

-She looks like an idol with Pucca hairstyle and looks like a solo singer with sleek ponytail...

-She looks absolutely gorgeous either way, but she looks way more adorable with Pucca hairstyle

-She looks really pretty, but I really want to fix her baby hair... 22

-I was such a big fan of her Pucca hairstyle, but I changed my mind after seeing her with sleek ponytail 222

-She looks breathtakingly stunning with sleek ponytail. On the other side, she looks really adorable and pretty with Pucca hairstyle. I personally prefer her Pucca hairstyle more. 

-How can I pick one... She looks really pretty with either hairstyle...

-I thought no hairstyle can outdo her Pucca hairstyle but here I am on my knees after seeing her with sleek ponytail... She's really beautiful...
