Thursday, May 11, 2023

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TEEN TOP's C.A.P leaves the group ... TOP Media "The group will continue activities with the remaining 4 members"

 On the 11th, TOP Media announced, "After discussions with the members, C.A.P. decided to leave the group as of today." As a result, Teen Top will continue activities with 4 members, Chunji, Niel, Ricky, and Changjo. 

Previously, C.A.P. had caused controversy for inappropriate behavior as he was swearing during a live broadcast. There were concerns that this could harm the group as they were preparing for a full-group comeback. 

TOP Media apologizes as they stated, "We deeply apologize for the concern caused to many people by C.A.P's reckless words and actions." They continued, "We will provide further information regarding the comeback after discussing it with the members."

Below is the official statement from TOP Media

Hello. This is TOP Media.

Firstly, we sincerely thank all the fans who have shown a lot of love to TEEN TOP. 

After discussing with TEEN TOP members, we have decided to part ways with C.A.P as of today. As a result, TEEN TOP will continue activities with the remaining 4 members consisting of Chunji, Niel, Ricky, and Changjo. 

We deeply apologize for the concern caused to many people by C.A.P's reckless words and actions. We also take full responsibility for this situation and promise to do our best in managing our artists. 

We will provide further information regarding the comeback after discussing it with the members. 

Thank you


-It's the best way for both parties anyway...

-Seriously, though. I don't think he suits to be an idol. I think he may be better suited for something other than being an idol, I would be really happy to support him;; Not to mention that his physical figure didn't suit Teen Top. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Teen Top's new album.

-It sounds like a better decision than forcing himself to do something that he doesn't want to do. I hope he can live comfortably while doing what he likes which is painting!

-That's great! I hope all of them can live happily while doing what they like to do...

-Hul... I can't believe he left just like that. It seems like they were nothing more than just work colleagues after all.

-There's nothing good from forcing him to stay when his heart is already somewhere elseㅋㅋ

-I didn't expect him to actually leave the group, but it seems like it's for the best. If he doesn't want to do it, why should he be forced to continue with the group activities just because there's still some time left in his contract? It's the job he chose when he was young, and people change their minds over time anyway. 

-That's right... I think this is the best solution they could come up with...

-Nowadays, it's not necessarily better to forcibly maintain the original members. Times have changed. Kicking members like him could be the way to save the team.

-I love how they kick him out right awayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Looks like he really doesn't want to continue being an idol now...

-I didn't even know he was still in the group...

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