Thursday, May 11, 2023

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Teen Top's C.A.P recent Instagram post

 Hello. This is Bang Minsu. 

First of all, I would like to apologize to those who were hurt by my words and actions. 

I was aware that my actions were selfish, only thinking about myself despite knowing that it could cause controversy. 

I knew that my behavior was also hurtful to my teammates, whom I've been closer to than my brothers for a long time, as well to those who believed in and supported me. 

All this time, I felt like I had been wearing clothes that didn't fit me. Now, I want to take off those clothes and I ended up making the wrong actions. I have no excuse. It was entirely my fault and negligence. 

I apologize to my teammates and company, who have understood even my immature behavior. I also apologize to the fans who may have been surprised and disappointed by my actions. 

I hope that there will be no more harm to Teen Top members and company staff who have been working hard for the upcoming comeback. I sincerely apologize once again. 

Thank you to everyone who has loved Teen Top's C.A.P. until now. I am truly grateful. 


-For someone who doesn't feel like he suits to be an idol, he promoted for a really long time...

-Whoa... He must've really wanted to leave the group...

-I can totally understand him. I think quitting is the best option for him. I personally think it's better to just retire as an idol if he doesn't feel like it suits him. 

-It must've been really hard for him all this time. I hope both C.A.P and his teammates are happy now.

-I sincerely hope he will find something he actually likes and live happily...

-I can't imagine how tough it must've been for him to force himself to do something that doesn't suit him...

-Forcing yourself to do something that doesn't fit you will only make you sick. No one else will take responsibility for your life anyway. I hope he will find and pursue something that makes him happy. 

-I think him quitting the group was the best option for both himself and his group.

-He made the right decision. No matter how long you've been in the industry if it doesn't fit you, it will only harm your mental. It's the best for him to leave before that happens. 

-He must've endured a lot, considering that he has been doing something that doesn't fit him for that long. I think it's the best way for both parties. 

-If being an idol doesn't fit him, it's better to leave. We also resign and change jobs if it doesn't fit ourselves. It's harder for idols because of their contracts. 

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