Thursday, May 11, 2023


YG's rookie girl group, BABYMONS7ER, final members


Asa - is planned to be included in YG's Japanese girl group project

Rora - is planned to be included in the next debuting group because she's still young





However, as they are all part of the YG Family, YG will be debuting all seven of them after taking considerations into viewers' opinions. 

They are planned to debut before the end of fall this year

-I think he purposely announced that he will only debut 5 members in the beginning because he thought the group wouldn't get as much attention if he just debuted them right away... I really Yang Hyunsuk and his lies, but I always fall for them...

-I knew he would to thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Congratulations on debuting, babies. I really don't want to see Yang Hyunsuk anymore. 

-First of all, I knew he would do this. It's such a relief that the seven of them are all going to debut. Can Yang Hyunsuk go away now, please?

-That psycho bastard...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Oh Gosh...

-Yang Hyunsuk is the one who should be eliminated

-The pattern is always the sameㅋㅋㅋ He always says he's going to eliminate some trainees, but end up including them all in the final lineup anywayㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Is it fun for him to threat the girls by saying that the revealed members were not the final members and that he could eliminate some of them?

-Yeah, I knew this would happen. He would absolutely debut the trainees that he likes. He always does things as he pleases...

-Please debut as soon as possible. I'm ready to fangirl over this group. 

-Look at the logo... The T in the MONSTER is actually a 7...

-Why didn't he just say that he was going to debut all of them from the beginning?

-He said that the group is planned to debut before fall ends... That means they're going to debut at the very end of fallㅎ Hurry up and set a date...

-There are only 3 Koreans in this group...

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