Tuesday, May 31, 2022

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Jeon Soyeon says that Winner is her one and only faith

 Jeon Soyeon made a guest appearance in the final episode of JTBC's program, Artist Way.

She was on her way to buy some groceries with Kang Seungyoon and they had a deep conversation. She thought that her group will be ruined once a member withdrew from her group, but she said that 'Winner is my one and only faith'

Jeon Soyeon said, 'Honestly, there was big trouble last year. I had a thought, wouldn't our group be ruined once a member withdrew?. Winner is my one and only faith'. To this statement, Kang Seungyoon related and said, 'You did so well in the latest promotions. I feel like we're in the same boat, so I sincerely want to congratulate you.' Jeon Soyeon stated how grateful she was, 'Thank you. Thank you so much'

It was an honor for me, I got to heal and learn a lot from you<3 Thank you to Seungyoon Sunbae for all the cool pictures. 

It was a really nice sight to see these talented artists sing, rap, talk about music, and relate to each other.


1. [+39][-1] It was really touching when Kang Seungyoon said that he felt they were in the same boat and rooted for herㅠㅠ

2. [+29][-1] Thank you to Soyeon for having faith in Winner. I feel proud that someone has faith in my Winner<3 This encounter made me tear upㅠㅠ Winner and G-IDLE, let's fly even higher!!!

3. [+25][-2] Whoa... This brings me tears...

4. [+15][-0] As an Inner Circle, I feel so emotional to hear that Winner became her one and only faith. Imagine how hard it is for Winner, as they had no one to put their faith in. I feel so grateful for Kang Kim Song and Lee. 

5. [+13][-0] These two groups are talented and skilled, that's why they manage to be strong and firm despite their member's withdrawals.

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