Wednesday, July 8, 2020

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SM Ent. "SHINee's Onew to be discharged from the military service on July 20... There will be no separate discharge event"

Onew went on his final leave today, and due to the COVID-19 outbreak, he is not required to return to the military base to get discharged. 

-Jinki is finally getting discharged from the military~~ Congratulations^^ I can't wait to see SHINee as a full team!!

-Jinki is already getting discharged from the military??

-Wow, time sure flies really fast. Congratulations!!

-Finally... Please release a solo album as soon as possibleㅠㅠ Or maybe any activities with SHINee as a full groupㅠㅠ

-Onew-ya, I missed you!! Congratulations!!

-I'm not a fan, but congratulations!!

-I can't wait for SHINee to have a comeback as a full group...

-Congratulations!! I hope he'll release a lot of songs from now on, I miss him!

-Congratulations, Onew!! I'm looking forward to you~~

-Does that mean he gets discharged earlier due to COVID-19 outbreak?

-Whoa, already?? Time sure flies really fast, especially since I'm not the one who's serving in the militaryㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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