Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Kpop Dictionary that you can find in New York

This is so fascinating..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ instiz -That's actually pretty cool..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ -Oh..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The book turned out to look so much better than I expected..ㅋㅋㅋ -We need a Korean version of that as well..ㅋㅋㅋ I often find words and things I can't understand when I go to instiz..ㅋㅋㅋ -Is there a Korean version of that? I want to buy one..ㅋㅋ -I hope...
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The singer who's rotting away in JYP

Other than an OST for a drama, she hasn't released anything yet this year.. theqoo -(JYP) formed 15& and not give them any work at all.. -Why is JYP not letting her release any songs? They should've let her release at least one song.. -They're wasting her skills..ㅠㅠ -It's such a waste that JYP doesn't let her release any songs, but on...
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Friday, November 24, 2017

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The question that idols get at fansigns these days

theqoo -I'm sure it's annoying to get questions like this at your fansign..ㅋㅋㅋ -Why would you ask such questions at a fansign.. -Who is Hyunuk? Anyway, it must've taken quite a long time to solve that questions in a fansign.. The other fans might feel uncomfortable.. -Why would you ask such question at a fansign;; Don't you have anything...
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The discography of a top girl group who's soon into 3 years after their debut

Fans only have 6 songs to listen, with no physical albums on top of thatㅎ (NB: maybe some links to help you understand better about how Koreans count ages) theqoo -They.....
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Sunday, November 19, 2017

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The top two idols who just never ages

2PM's Jang Wooyoung Bigbang's GD GD is already 30 and Wooyoung is going to turn 30 soonㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Both of them don't age and have baby-face..ㅋㅋㅋ theqoo -For me, it's Kim Heechul.. I was really surprised when I found out that he was born in 1983.. -Jang Wooyoung's face has never changed ever since he was a babyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -It's...
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Tweet stating that Zhou Jieqiong didn't go to a night-club, but a Halloween Parade in Itaewon

credit: kyulkyungs on twitter theqoo -So it was taken during Halloween but they just posted it now? -Who's that? -First of all, I don't get why adults going to a night-club is a big deal that they have to get a lot of hate for it.. -Seems like the fans asked for some clarification to the girls who are in that selfie.. -One thing that...
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Multiple posts about Pristin's Eunwoo and Zhou Jieqiong going to a night club

clarification post here #1 [Zhou Jieqiong said she wouldn't go to night-clubs when she turns into adult] 'I watched a behind the scene video of Mcountdown and the staff asked Jieqiong, 'Jieqiong, shouldn't you go to night-clubs with the older members once you turn 20?' and Jieqiong cut her right away and answered, 'I won't...
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The part in Red Velvet's songs that always gets divided opinion in every comeback

The rap part theqoo -Sometimes I wonder why do they put rap parts in their songs.. -Honestly, it's kind of cringey to listen.. -It suits the song really well, though, in my opinion.. -It's the typical SM-style of rap.. Everyone, except for Mark, sounds very cringey when they rap.. -I love Red Velvet so much, but not their rap parts in their songs.. -Well, I love the...
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Will there be a song as impactful as this song?

1: There will be a song that can beat the impact of this song 2: Frankly speaking, it's not easy to beat this hit song It has been 10 years but I still haven't seen any songs that hit as big as this song did. theqoo -? There's a possibility.. -It won't be that easy since people aren't attracted to idols as much as they were back then.. -#2.....
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Irene's gifs on Twitter that got great responses from netizens

credit: chuu_girls on twitter credit: lelo0612 on twitter theqoo -Look at the image gap between these two gifs.. Ugh... -Look at how perfect her skin looks in the first gifㄷㄷ Seems like she was born with it.. -She's so freaking freaking freaking freaking beautiful.. -These are the gifs of her that I saved even though I'm not her fan.. -She...
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The group who's able to rock a weird choreography

theqoo -Ah.. I love this.. -They're good at dancing.. -Jia is a freaking good dancer.. -The outfits are so much weirder..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -The choreography for this song requires a lot of rolling and laying on the ground, and even doing hand stand.. It's just very difficult and yet they all rock it really well because these girls are good dancers.. -This is my favorite song of Miss A.. -Even...
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Saturday, November 18, 2017

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What if Suzy debuted in Twice?

Can she still be the 'one top' female idol or not? theqoo -She doesn't suit Twice at all..ㅋㅋㅋ -Why do people do this kind of thing.. -Suzy suits something like 'Bad Girl Good Girl' or 'Goodbye Baby' the best.. -She would've gotten a lot of hate because she's too 'old' to be in that group.. -This is a very useless post.. -Of course,...
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Red Velvet's creepy album cover

theqoo -Who are those two girls in front of the house? -I'm getting goosebumps.. -Am I the only one who thinks it's fine? -It looks so creepy, I don't think I'm able to listen to their songs at night..ㅠㅠ -I wonder why are they using this kind of concept for their comeback.. -It indeed looks kinda creepy, but I like it.. -I like this.....
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Jimin's twitter update that fully wakes up fans in the middle of the night

(NB: He posted it at around 01.33AM KST) theqoo -The last picture, though..ㅠㅠㅠ -Jimin-ah, seriouslyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -I'm one of those fans who can't sleep after seeing these pictures.. -I'm all awake now.. Jimin-ah, you're so freaking handsome..ㅠㅠ -My heart is beating so fast.. He's so freaking handsome.. Jimin-ahㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -He's driving me...
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The part of Red Velvet's Peek A Boo that gets divided opinions from netizens

Irene in the ending part: 'Pikha... Boo.. P...ikha... Boo.. Pik..ha..B..oo' (Peek A Boo in Korean is written as 피카부/Pi-ka-boo) video theqoo -That ending part is indeed not that good, but I freaking love Irene's face -I don't really like it since she sounds like she's saying 'Pikachu' but in a desperate way, Pika...chu... -I personally...
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GFriend's Yuju without bangs.insta

instagram mirrored version theqoo -This hairstyle looks fine to me.. It's so much better than the previous one, it looked stuffy and frustrating to see.. -Hul.. She looks so much more beautiful without her bangs.. -She looks like Son Naeun who just lost a lot of weight.. -She looks 100x times more beautiful without her bangs.. Whoa.. -I...
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