
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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'Min Heejin Task Force' ADOR to hold a meeting on the 10th ... Notified to HYBE

by Reporter Ahn Yoonji

According to the music industry, the board of directors of ADOR, including CEO Min Heejin, will hold a meeting on the morning of the 10th at a location in Seoul, notifying HYBE.

Currently, the board of ADOR consists of CEO Min and others including Shin and Kim.

Previously, the legal representative of ADOR from the law firm Sejong stated, "According to the regulations, the board meeting will be held by May 10th, and the shareholders' meeting will be held until the end of May." They also mentioned, "Additional statements will be provided by May 13th (to the court)." Accordingly, if an interim shareholders' meeting is decided during the board meeting on that day, the date for the meeting will be set after the 15th, with the earliest possible date being the 27th."

Currently, HYBE claims suspicions of Min Heejin's alleged takeover of ADOR's management rights and embezzlement. Min Heejin denies all allegations.


-I wonder what will happen.

-Why is this meeting being held?

-Cinderella always wins

-I wish Min Heejin and New Jeans could be free.

-Cheering for Min Heejin!

-I hope she wins and later goes independent with New Jeans...

-Min Heejin, New Jeans, fighting!

-I'm sincerely cheering for you, ㅠㅠ Hang in there.

-Please take New Jeans with you ㅠㅠ It's heartbreaking to see the girls  being treated like that...

-Please, I hope a good result comes out ㅠㅠ I want to see her winㅠㅠ

-HYBE has more than just one or two things to answer forㅋㅋㅋ Bang Sihyuk, you should explain about the threats you made to ADOR's vice president too.

-Realistically, I think it's impossible for her to not get dismissed from HYBE. And New Jeans will probably stay with HYBE because they will get a penalty fee if they terminate their contract now. If they choose to leave anyway, I hope there's a good agreement so they can immediately start activities without being legally restricted.

-Please win! I want to keep seeing Min Heejin's version of New Jeans.

-She'll probably be dismissed even faster than expected.

-It won't be easy because of the shareholding ratio, but I hope she winsㅜㅜㅜㅜ

-It's hilarious how they made this mess just because they wanted to ditch one womanㅋㅋㅋㅋ So chaotic

-It's so weird to see people unconditionally supporting one side, whether it's HYBE or Min Heejin...

-Anyway, she'll probably be dismissed while New Jeans stays in HYBE according the duration of the contract, right?
