
Thursday, May 23, 2024

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HYBE keeps doing media-play but never apologizes for following anti-New Jeans account on Twitter

ILLIT's official Twitter account followed 3 accounts:

1. A Twitter account that criticizes New Jeans 

2. Yuna's Japanese fan account

3. Moka's fan account

While HYBE continues their media play, they haven't provided any explanation or apology regarding this matter.


-Whether it was done by an employee or a member, they need to clearly state it and apologize. Following Twitter accounts that spread rumors is not acceptable.

-They seem to only go viral in a negative way.

-Apologize, you crazy bastards.

-Why aren't they apologizing yet??? Please apologize instead of brushing it off as a mistake.

-Whether it was done by an employee or a member, it's disgraceful. If it was done by a member, it's even more disgraceful.

-Just say an employee did it, apologize, and move on.

-I mean... They didn't even apologize or explain the plagiarism issueㅋㅋㅋ

-Why hasn't HYBE given any explanation on this yet? ILLIT is a rookie group, don't they care about ILLIT's image?

-HYBE, you're cowardly and shameful.

-Please add that the first account is also a hater of Baby Monsterㅋㅋㅋ

-Following an account that posts malicious comments and then telling people to not leave hate comments for ILLIT?

-A sick company.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They just ignore things that are not in their favor.

-Disgusting, really.
