
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Roy Kim has nothing to do with Burning Sun


One time, the group chat Roy Kim was a part of was talking about nude photos of a female celebrity (Her identity wasn't revealed). 

However, Roy Kim came across evidence in a blog post that suggested the pictures were edited, and he shared that post to the group chat. 

The problem was that the post he shared contained an explicit image. It seemed like a nude picture that was edited with the face of a female celebrity. 

Regardless of the reasons, him sharing content that contained an explicit image led to him being investigated for sharing obscene materials. 

Ultimately, while he was technically guilty, the case was considered not significant enough to proceed, so it ended with a suspended indictment. In simpler terms, his case wasn't deemed a big deal, so he was cautioned and the case was closed.

Roy Kim and his agency expressed remorse for their reckless actions, regardless of their intentions.

During his period of reflection, he enlisted in the military and decided to return to the industry after his service.

The problem was that this incident happened right when the whole country was talking about Burning Sun. So naturally, people started wondering if Roy Kim was also being investigated for sharing inappropriate stuff in such chat groups. Even now, if you look at news articles or anything else, you'll often see Roy Kim's name mentioned alongside Jung Joon-young and Seungri, as if they were all being prosecuted together for spreading inappropriate content.

The truth behind Roy Kim is revealed after 10 months ... "I was misunderstood for spreading inappropriate content. I am not a part of the group chat"

Even the police have clarified that he was not a part of the group chat.
I'm posting this since there are a lot of people who keep bringing up false information here. 

-He has been misunderstood all this time. I can't imagine how unfair it must've felt for him. I feel sorry for him now.

-Hul... I've always thought he was a part of the group chat, even until I came across this post. I was very bewildered to see only Roy Kim coming back to the industry. 

-I like Roy Kim's songs, so I go to his concerts. But whenever I mention that I'm going to a concert, there's always someone who brings up this topicㅠㅠ I feel really sorry for him because he has been misunderstood all this time.

-There are still many people who don't know about this... I feel bad for him.

-Whoa.. It must have been really tough for him..

-Didn't Roy Kim's father step down from his profession as a professor because of this incident? ㅠㅠ

-Wow... I just found out about this...

-I knew about it, but there are still people who misunderstand it. I hope everyone reads this post and clears up the misunderstanding.

-Oh, he must have suffered a lot..ㅠㅠ

-Damn, many people don't know about this.

-Wow, I just found out about this now...

-Please spread this information. It's sad because even I misunderstood him.

-Posts clarifying this don't seem to get as much attention...

-So sadㅠㅠ