
Friday, April 26, 2024

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ILLIT and IVE Group Name Being Discussed in Korean Online Communities

Anything can be inserted in between I'LL and IT

The group name 'ILLIT' combines the autonomous and progressive will (I Will) with the pronoun signifying something special (It), implying the ability to tackle anything and the anticipation of what may come.

The group name 'IVE' is derived from the abbreviation of 'I HAVE', shortened to 'I'VE', implying the aspiration to confidently showcase everything they possess.

I found IVE has an unique group name because when you attach a word after it, it can be anything. Something about its usage and the way it appeared in various contexts kept lingering in my mind, making it feel somewhat intriguing.

-This is interesting

-They're definitely doing this on purpose.

-It lacks originality. 

-Considering what they've done so far, this sounds convincing.

-They blatantly copiedㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I can't believe they didn't consciously think of IVE when they came up with ILLIT's nameㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Even if they copy, they can't keep up with the original

-We can't just let this pass

-I had no idea that was the meaning behind ILLIT's name

-I had a feeling something was off, and it turns out to be copied from IVE...

-Seriously? They're copying everything?

-I thought the I in ILLIT was from I-LAND?
  ㄴILLIT is from R U Next. Enhypen is the one from I-LAND.

-I thought IVE was really innovative.

-They hastily formed a girl group to counter IVE, so they probably came up with the group name while thinking about that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Seems like they can't make a group without copying someone else, huh?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ