
Monday, March 11, 2024


Park Bogum Confirmed to Star in Kim Taeho PD's New Show, 'My Name is Gabriel'


According to multiple broadcasting officials on the 11th, Park Bogum has been confirmed to star in JTBC's new variety show 'My Name is Gabriel' and is waiting for his departure from South Korea this month. In this show, the cast members go abroad to experience the life of non-celebrities. 

Other celebrities such as comedian Park Myungsoo, broadcaster Hong Jinkyung, actor Ji Changwook, and Yeom Hyeran have also confirmed to star in this show. Meanwhile, discussions about Blackpink Jennie's appearance are still ongoing.


-The lineup is insane...

-Living as a non-celebrity...?

-I'm sorry...?? Out of the blue...?? I still haven't recovered from the shock I got because of his appearance at IU's concert yesterdayㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-What makes it different from the typical travel show...?

-He's leaving the country this month...? Isn't Good Boy starting to film this month...?

-I mean... Can he live the life of a non-celebrity with that face?

-What kind of lineup is thatㅋㅋㅋ

-What an uninteresting format... Going abroad to experience the life of non-celebrities.

-The lineup is really amazing, but the format of the show itself doesn't sound appealing at allㅜㅜ How did Kim Taeho come up with such format?ㅜㅜ
