Monday, March 4, 2024

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Kangnam is Convinced That Rei is Really Wealthy After Hearing about Her


Kangnam: Where do you come from?

Rei: I'm from Nagoya

Kangnam: You're wealthy.

Kangnam: What does your father do?

Rei: (laughs)

Kangnam: What is your last name?

Rei: My full name is Naoi Rei

Kangnam: Huh?? Naoi?? That's not a common last name in Japan. (More convinced that she's really wealthy)

-But if you watch KONG LOG, you'll know that she's really wealthy. Adorable wealthy person, Reiㅋㅋㅋ

-Families with unique surnames often inherit their status from the emperor, leading to a long-standing tradition of maintaining the family's exclusivity through generations. That's why Kangnam immediately assumed Rei is super rich after hearing her name.

-She didn't deny it, thoughㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Many speculate that Rei is from a wealthy family (Ojo-sama), based on her school, the cars and house structures shown in her vlogs, her manner of speaking, and occasional mentions of her family. 

-Nagoya is home to many company CEOs^^ So, there's a strong wealthy image there^^ My Japanese friend is from Nagoya~


-But most Japanese who come to Korea to become idols seem to be wealthyㅋㅋㅋ

-Kangnam is also wealthy. He revealed he has a mansion in Hawaii with a swimming pool. 

-She's already from a wealthy family, and now that she's doing well herself, it's like a double jackpot. I'm so jealous.

-But you'd need to have a certain level of wealth to live abroad and train as an idol.

-Rich recognizing the rich.

-Kangnam is from a wealthy family as well...

-From the start, if you want to be a K-pop idol, you probably need some money. That's why the probability of foreigners who become idols in Korea coming from a wealthy family is high.

-From the start, being an idol trainee in another country is already a sign of wealth, isn't it?

-Someone said Nagoya is just like Ulsan in South Korea. That's why there are a lot of wealthy people thereㅋㅋㅋ

-In Japan, entertainers are almost at the level of the upper class, so if your family can support you being an idol in a foreign country, chances are you're from a well-off family.

-Most foreigners who are active in Korea are from wealthy families. It's obvious since they've been training overseas since they were young...

-Oh, I see, just read the comments and Gangnam is already assumed to be super-rich lol. But I'm curious, if they received their surname from the Emperor, does that mean they don't change their name even after marriage? What does it mean to preserve the family's exclusivity?

-In Japan, it's common to adopt a surname later in life based on your residence, like "Well," "Mountainside," or "Long Field." So, when you use rare and extraordinary characters for your name, it's easy to be identified when people search for your origins or name. Japanese fans don't press for their real names for that reason.

-I remember watching a video of her talking to her mother back when she just debuted. Japanese fans were saying that her mother's speech was very refined, making it seem like they come from a well-off familyㅋㅋㅋ

-Why do I need to know if idols are rich?

-Wow, she's Japanese? Until now, I thought she was Korean.

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