Thursday, February 22, 2024

Which country did you find to be the friendliest when you went abroad?

 This post makes me curious about friendly countries.

Not just kind to you exclusively, but generally welcoming to everyone.

Among the countries you've traveled to, which one was the friendliest?


-Even though I haven't been there, a friend who travels frequently said Taiwan is really friendly towards tourists

-Turkey, Taiwan


-Normally, I don't go back to a country I've visited once (If I'm going to go again, I'd rather go to another country), but I've been to Taiwan several times by city! Every time I go, I feel really nice. I found out why moms with young children travel to Taiwan together when their kids are in kindergarten age.


-Wow, I thought Spain was the friendliest, but it's totally the opposite.

-London! When struggling with my luggage, lots of people helped me carry it up.


-Russia is really kind. They helped carry my luggage up the subway stairs and even if they didn't know the way, they grabbed someone nearby to help find it together. It left a strong impression.

-Taiwan and Malaysia. Everyone greeted me with a smile and helped enthusiastically even if we couldn't communicate verbally.

-Turkish people are really kind... Also, I've never been there myself, but based on the people I've met while working, personally, I find South Americans to have good personalities, they seem relaxed and worry-free.

-Canada... The airport staff were really unfriendly, but as soon as you leave the airport, everyone is kindㅋㅋㅋ Looking at the comments makes me want to go to Taiwan.

-I'd say Bangkok, Thailand... Everyone is smiling so brightly. But the downside is that being a hot country, they're not very quick in their work. If you ask for something, they'll smile and say yes but won't do it. But still, I can't get madㅋㅋㅋ

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