Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Park Min-young, following the controversy surrounding her "former boyfriend," stated, "I hit rock bottom... Feels like being pierced by fake news."


- As suspicions about her ex-boyfriend continued, you posted on social media, "I'm tired of it."

▶That's about fake news. There were so many fake news stories in the world that I couldn't even open YouTube for a while. It felt like being pierced by a skewer. It was a bit frustrating, and I wondered why people would portray others in such a bad light. I wrote about my feelings regarding those fake news stories, but it doesn't mean I didn't make mistakes. Perhaps because YouTube allows anonymity, there are so many wrong things out there that it was hard for me to deal with.

- What was the most enraging fake news?

▶It was the ones that distorted things that weren't true to make them seem real. They even distorted things I did myself, like editing, into something completely different. There were also parts that were difficult to explain verbally, and it's really scary and cautious.

- What about YouTube?

▶I'm tired of most of the things that come up when you search 'Park Min-young.' There's too much content on short-form platforms, and even things that didn't happen to me were portrayed as if I had done them.

There are a lot of questions in that article. I brought only the interesting ones.


-Fake news?

-Wow, this is on another level of shamelessness

-Is there no evidence for this?

-If only she reveals what's real and what's not, that would be enough.

-She should just tell us what's fake.

-So shameless.

-Life is so easyㅋㅋㅋ Ending it with just one word 'mistake'ㅋㅋㅋ

-Am I the only one confused???

-This is why we shouldn't support criminals...

-Ah, so that's why the response isn't that great. I just searched it up and found out now;;

-Seriously, just seeing the title makes me sick...

-She's really impressive. If I were her, I'd at least stay quiet.

-Does she think the public is stupid? 

-This is why you shouldn't support her.

-Why is she doing interviews? She should just stay quiet, it's so shameless.

-Wow... I'm speechless

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