Tuesday, April 4, 2023


"Struggling financially?" ... Kim Saeron is spotted in a Holdem Pub


Informant A reported that Kim Saeron was spotted playing Texas Hold'em back in February. A said, "Kim Saeron was playing Hold'em with her male friends. She was dressed comfortably and seen enjoying the game."

Dispatch went to the Pub that Kim Saeron visited. The owner claimed that it's not an illegal gambling place. People can charge their chips from an application to play the game. The chips can be used to buy food and can't be exchanged to money.

Kim Saeron enjoying the game is not a problem at all. It's just that the sight of her sitting on a poker table doesn't suit the description of 'struggling financially' at all. 

According to A, Kim Saeron played more than one round. At midnight, she ordered a glass of beer. She played for at least 3 hours.

-It gives me goosebumps how the pictures were taken so close... Looks like one of her friends took those pictures.

-Whoa... Looks like the informant sold these pictures to Dispatch. It doesn't look like Dispatch was the one who took those pictures.

-I'm so sick of tired hearing her and her financial struggle. It gives me goosebumps how it seems like there are paparazzi wherever she goes. I just hope people would not cross the lines;;

-Oh Gosh... Her skin looks really nice

-Looks like one of her friends took the pictures then sold it to Dispatch...

-Seriously, though... These pictures could be taken with Samsung Ultra 23, super zoomed in and then cropped...

-I just... really hate Dispatch

-At this point, I'm sure the pictures were taken by someone who was sitting on the same table as herㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I knew it... She's not actually struggling financially...

-?? One of her friends must've taken these pictures. Or was it an employee?

-Does she have no proper friends at all...? These pictures were sold to Dispatch...

-Isn't this the same as playing a board game?? The pictures get me goosebumps all over my body...

-Isn't this her privacy?? It's getting me goosebumps...

-Her friend is so mean;;; They took these pictures secretly and sold it to Dispatch, no???

-Let her live...

-I thought she was struggling financially?

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