
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

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SNSD The 7th Album FOREVER 1 - Album Details


-The package is so cute...

-Whoa... This is so pretty. I think their concept is really well-made.

-This looks similar to their Holiday albumㅋㅋㅋ

-Yeah, I'll be buying both versions...

-The deluxe version is so f*cking beautiful...

-I can't wait for mine to arrive...

-Whoa... The album looks so prettyㅋㅋㅋ I want one...

-I wasn't planning to buy this album because I have no money but... I guess I'm gonna buy it anywayㅠㅠ

-The album looks so pretty... I think they prepared a lot for this...

-I really want to buy the deluxe version...

-It's so beautiful, it's driving me insane...

-The deluxe version looks like a game pack... So f*cking pretty... 
