(NB: Hip means something 'trendy', or 'trendsetter')
1. Jung Ilhoon
When he was in 2nd grade of junior high, he really wanted to become a music producer but he had no idea how to start, so he went to Cube. After a long-talk with the CEO, he joined Cube as a trainee.
2. Yook Sungjae
He wanted to grow out his hair in junior high, but his school didn't allow him to. So he asked to one of his teachers if there was any way for him to be able to grow out his hair, the teacher said he needed a letter from a company in order to allow him. So he auditioned for Cube and became a trainee.
3. Lee Changseob
When he found out BTOB changed plans to become an idol group, he said he didn't want to continue and got kicked out from the groupㅋㅋㅋㅋHe got accepted in Howon University with a cutthroat 3000:5 ratio, he joined BTOB again to fulfil his promise with Seo Eunkwang (to perform in the same stage) who went to the same academy.
1. [+105][-1] Seo Eunkwang: I just simply like Hip Hop
2. [+93][-1] I heard that Im Hyunsik transferred to Baek Sook High School and heard the rumour that a guy called Kyungsoo was a good singer, so he approached him and asked if they could be friendsㅋㅋㅋㅋ Here's a picture of high school colleague re-uniting at Gayo Daechukje
3. [+79][-1] I'm not a fan but I think BTOB is going to last for a really long time..
4. [+53][-0] Lee Changseob didn't get kicked out, he left on his own will..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But look at him now, he's a professional idol..ㅠ
5. [+45][-1] I personally think Yook Sungjae's pre-debut story is the most shocking one..ㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+35][-0] ㅋㅋㅋ
After studying abroad in China, Hyunsik transferred to Baek Sook High School.
As soon as he arrived, he asked to his deskmate
"Who's the best singer in this school?"
So his desk mate introduced him to D.O
He quickly looked for D.O and said,
"I heard you're the best singer in this school. Let's perform on school festival together"
And they became a close friends since then..
And they became a close friends since then..