-Hul.. Oh my goodness..
-Huk.. He must've hurt his ankle..
-I mean.. Why would they leave that big hole open in the middle of the stage?
-I'm really upset to see the full video of this gif..
-Ah.. Again..
-Ah..ㅠㅠ That surprised me.. I hope he's not severely injured because of that..
-Whoa.. It's not the first time he suffered from an incident on stage.. Why don't they put more attention on their artist's safety?
-Hul.. That's really dangerous.. I thought he could avoid that, but he jumped to the hole in the end..
-It's a relief that he noticed if beforehand, though.. It could've been more dangerous if he fell without knowing there's a hole behind him..
-Why would they leave a big hole open in the middle of the stage..
-What the heck.. It's really upsetting to see..ㅠㅠ I hope he's fine..
-Hul.. That's really shocking..ㅠㅠ What if he gets injured..ㅠㅠ
-Please be careful..ㅠㅠ Don't get injured..ㅠㅠ
-Huk.. What the heck.. I wonder how did they manage the whole performance..
-Hul.. He didn't get injured, did he?
-Hul.. Oh my goodness.. My precious Jiyong..
-Ugh.. I feel like my heart is going to drop to my stomach..
-Hul.. It must've shocked him really bad..