-Did she just announce her departure from her group without discussing with the company beforehand?
-...? Didn't she say she already discussed it with her company?
-Let's just let her breathe..
-I knew this would happen.. There's no way FNC would let go of Choa just like that.. Not to mention that her contract still hasn't terminated yet..
-Why aren't they letting her go?
-I sincerely hope this problem can be solved as soon as possible..
-There's no way FNC would let go of their main vocal like that..
-I can't trust FNC..
-Well, her contract hasn't terminated yet and FNC is not a fool..
-MBK, FNC..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-This sounds scary..
-What is going on..ㅠㅠ
-Choa's Reps said that Choa already discussed this matter with this company, though..? She even showed them her Instagram post..
-What..? I thought she already discussed it with the company beforehand..
-She said that she already talked about this before announcing it on her Instagram, though..?
-I can totally understand FNC's point of view here.. Her contract still hasn't terminated yet, after all..