Monday, August 1, 2016

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Three idols with the best acting skills in SM

Girls Generation's Sooyoung

Exo's D.O

Super Junior's Choi Siwon



-Whoa.. Sooyoung is really pretty..

-Hul.. I came in expecting those three..

-Sooyoung is much better than I thought she would be!

-Sooyoung is really good at acting.. It's too bad not a lot of people acknowledges it..

-Actress Choiㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ I'm so proud of her..

-Oh.. That's right, Sooyoung's acting skills are actually fine.. And also, I expected to see our Kyungsoo in this article..
-I can only agree with your opinion on Kyungsoo..
-Kyungsoo and Choi Siwon seems like they're really good at acting..
-I came here with Sooyoung in my mind..
-I agree.. I'm so proud of them..
-I got really shocked when I saw D.O's acting in It's Okay It's Love, it's because he's really good.. I think it was his first time starring in a drama..ㅜㅜ 
-That's rightㅠㅠㅠ Last time, I cried along while watching Sooyoung's dramaㅠㅠㅠ 
-The way Kyungsoo smiles is so cute..

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