Friday, May 24, 2024

Numerous DAY6's songs that apparently many people also like

 1. Shoot Me

2. Sweet Chaos

3. I Wait

4. How Can I Say

5. Even of Day

This is DAY6's Sub-Unit, DAY6 (Even of Day), consisting of YoungK, Wonpil, and Dowoon


I know these are not the actual song, I'm posting these clips instead because they're so funny

7. Love Me or Leave Me

If you like one of DAY6's songs, then the probability of you also liking their other songs is as high as 99%. Here are the list of the songs that DAY6's fans and casual listeners really love💛💚 

-I only have Sweet Chaos in my playlist, I guess I need to listen to their song more. What's the name of the member in the 3rd thumbnail?

-I'm really into DAY6's songs these days.

-I almost know all of the songs mentioned here. My favorite is Love Me or Leave Me.

-I really love Sweet Chaos, it looks like I'm gonna need to check out their other songs...

-Love Me or Leave Me is my favorite song of DAY6 right after Sweet Chaos. I should check out the rest of the song mentioned here too. 

-I listen to Love Me or Leave Me, Sweet Chaos, and Shoot Me a lot. I should check out their other songs too. 

-I've only listened to You Were Beautiful and Love Me or Leave Me.

-Please promise me you'll check out Rescue Me too, guys!!!

-Please listen to Rescue Me and Emergency too...

-Hul... I like all of these songs. STOP is the only one I have never heard of. 

-Thank you.

-Right Through Me has been my favorite song for the past few months...

-What the... These are all my favorite songs of DAY6ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

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