Friday, May 24, 2024

Seventeen fans' reactions after seeing Han Sungsoo's articles


I usually hate talking about negative things and I don't want to either. Ever since that Youtube incident, I really didn't want to say this kind of thing but... Sir (You know who), why are you doing this to us? Are you joking? 

Ajusshi, how can you prioritize your loyalty but throw away your sensitivity, consideration, and thoughtfulness? You can't even fulfill the fandom's needs and yet here you are... Ruining the whole atmosphere and making us listen to unnecessary remarks. Stick to your loyalty then, even if it means walking through a thorny path~~👏👏

I really don't want to say negative things, but... You do know that (Seventeen) is going to have their 9th debut anniversary soon and that there's a big concert tomorrow, right?ㅎㅎㅎ For someone who clearly knows how hard (Seventeen) have worked... What ar you doing?

I really don't want to say negative things, but you're making me. I won't mention who it is, but this person did a really 'good' job just two days before (Seventeen)'s debut anniversary. How can a person do this?ㅎㅎ

Han Sungsoo has stepped down from his position as Pledis Ent.'s CEO for quite a long time. Even fan accounts who usually avoid talking about negative things are in chaos right now. 

+ Seventeen's going to have their 9th debut anniversary and first concert in Nissan Stadium this week


-These Ajusshis need to stay out of this, seriously

-Right now, I hate Han Sungsoo more than I hate Bang Sihyuk. If I had a Death Note, I would've written his name in it already. 

-Seventeen's having a concert in Nissan Stadium tomorrow and their 9th debut anniversary the day after tomorrow. What is he doing??? Damn it, I'm planning to go overseas tomorrow to attend the concert, but you're making me so pissed off. We're already stuck with all sorts of bullshit at HYBE after this incident. Do you really want to go down this road?????

-Fans must be really pissed offㅠㅠ Hang in there.

-Seventeen's fans are really pissed off ....

-You fxcking crazy bastard, stop fxcking talking.

-Why are these old guys meddling in?

-Why are you doing this to Seventeen, seriously?

-Is he trying to drive the fans crazy? Seriously, I'm speechless ㅋㅋ Even people who never said a word are speaking up on Twitter because they're so dumbfounded.

-Please, shut your mouth and live quietly, how many times do I have to say it?

-I'm really pissed offㅠㅠ

-Even though I'm not a fan, I understand why they're angry. What's with these old guys messing things up?

-What's the YouTube incident about?

-Seventeen fans originally never liked Han Sungsoo, and now he's giving them more reasons to hate him. Pledis and HYBE both suck.

-Why is Han Sungsoo still profiting from Seventeen even after selling his shares? I really hate him.

-It's understandable that fans are pissed off, they've been listening to all sorts of nonsense since Pledis joined HYBE.

-Damn, it feels like we're just continuously suffering this year

-No matter how much I think about it, it pisses me off.

-Really, just leave, Han Sungsoo, you worthless person.

-Damn it, why are you making the boys' lives miserable by throwing crap and causing trouble? It's fxcking annoying.

-Han Sungsoo isn't the CEO anymore?

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