Monday, April 29, 2024

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Lee Soogeun, Heo Kyunghwan, Ahn Bohyun, and Go Kyungpyo Set to Star in Baek Jongwon's 'The Backpacker Chef 2'


'The Backpacker Chef' is a program where the casts face extreme missions of cooking tailored dishes within a limited time in unfamiliar locations with unfamiliar people. Baek Jongwon, Ahn Bohyun, Lee Soogeun, Heo Kyunghwan, and Go Kyungpyo have been confirmed to appear in Season 2 of 'The Backpacker Chef.'


-Who were the original members? I only remember Ahn Bohyun.

-Wow, Go Kyung-pyo!

-Wow, I like Go Kyung-pyo!!

-The casts in Season 1 were really great. I'm looking forward to this one too. 

-Lee Soo-geun seems like he'll do wellㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's got wit.

-I like Lee Soo-geunㅋㅋㅋㅋ but Oh Dae-hwan did really well tooㅠ

-Except for Ahn Bo-hyun, the whole lineup changed, huh? ㅠㅠ Still, they all seem to do their jobs well, so looking forward to itㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The lineup seems to be composed of people who are really good at their jobsㅋㅋㅋ Looking forward to it so much.

-Considering the concept of this program, there must be at least one person besides Chef Baek who is good at his job. To cook when there isn't much time, you need someone skilled.

-Go Kyung-pyo is a bit unexpected here... He's not coming to eat, is he?ㅜㅋㅋㅋ

-It's a bit disappointing that Oh Daehwan is not starring in this season... I liked watching the way he chopsㅋㅋㅋ

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