Monday, April 29, 2024

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HYBE's Stock Price in Real-Time

-New Jeans' songs are getting a good response, that's why it's going up.

-No matter how much speculation, even if the world collapses, HYBE's still going to make money.

-Stock prices don't make sense in the short termㅋㅋㅋ

-There are so many risks, although I don't know about short-term trading.

-Overall, today is mostly red.

-Then what should we do?

-Isn't it because New Jeans and Zico's latest releases are getting good responses, and Seventeen is making a comeback today?

-Should I buy some for a short-term trade for a few weeks now?

-Did it go up? Huh?

-Anyway, as long as BTS is there, HYBE won't fall lol. Even if Min Hee-jin and New Jeans leave, it wouldn't matter at all. 

-There's no reason for it to fall, even New Jeans is part of HYBE.

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